I know, most of you are going to say “So???” Hey at least pretend to be happy for me can? If you’re one of my Facebook stalkers, you should have noticed that my status has been single all this while. Well, not until yesterday, when I decided to get rid of being single to be in a relationship instead!

See, it says that I’m in a relationship with Hikaru.Lim! XD
It must have puzzled you why I’ve been single all these while. Hik and I have this agreement that we will stay single in our social network in order to be more attractive to the opposite gender. To make it simple, he wants to know more girls and I want to know more boys. Very hiao right? LOL. Trust me, when you’re single, the chances of people approaching you is definitely higher. When people notice that you’re dating someone, they might have second thoughts for
So, since I’ve been hoping that my “singlehood” would attract more boys, why have I decided to change it then? The reason is simple: All the guys who are attracted to me are unattractive! Pfft. No offence if you’re one of them (HAHAHAHA must be burning when you read this). Why do I only attract old, ugly and disgusting men??? Are all the young and handsome boys dead?? Or are they all taken? =(
As if you all don’t already know, that’s my boyfriend and I. Teehee.
Oh I just realized I haven’t blogged about Artistry @ Quattro! FML.
And I did not edit this photo k. So stop complaining about my giant dolly eyes!
There wasn’t any response from my FB friends regarding the change of status. Should I be happy or what? I think, it means that it has been a well-known fact to them all along that I wasn’t single right? So the change of status didn’t come as a surprise to them since they knew that I was dating someone. Duh, anyone who read my blog or browsed through my photos would have guessed it ever since one and a half year ago. Yes, we have been together for approximately one and a half year! If you don’t know the story of how we met during Hennessy Artistry in Aloha, go search for my old entries. Lazy to explain it again.

On the other hand, Hik’s friends seem to be overwhelmed by the news. That’s some old news we’re talking about! Ever since we changed the status last night, comments from his friends started pouring in. And these friends are his real friends, as in they know each other in real life, not just some random FB acquaintances.

Surprised that some of them didn’t even know that he had a girlfriend for one and a half year huh? Yea, it came as a surprise to them. Like all of a sudden Hik is no longer single!
Jack Ng: shhh ....... dun pecah periuk dia la ... already underground so long ..... now show relationship then after a month then will show married n red bom will follow ....... wakakakaka
17 hours ago
Hmm, no. That’s not gonna happen. Why people are so keen on “accidents”?
Dess Lai: dude..after so long nvr heard ur news,suddenly shocked me wit ur relation...emmm!! hope u wont plan 2 get married so fast,not in coming 3yrs...i need time 2 complete my study...just play2 around wit her 1st...
about an hour ago
WTF! He’s asking Hik to play play around with me first. Tamade very offended lo. At least send it as a private message or something (which I might eventually find out when I secretly log into his account. Hiak hiak), why said it in front of me? Pfft!
Hik is quite pleased that most of the commenters are guys. He’s living under the delusion that somehow the news feed did not appear in the girls’ home page, hence they still think that he’s single. Stupid hor. I told him that the girls are too disappointed to comment. Or perhaps they just don’t give a damn XD
Now, pretend to be surprised that I’m taken! Teehee.
wah, ur in a relationship adi r? congrats wor. sure happy la right?
hehe! :D
ah ceh...i tod u married..WTF XD
Maybe it's because most of your FB friend also read you blog lol.
oo.. WOW..
congrats!.. haha.. =P
dylan: i have been in the same relationship for the past 1 and a half year. u mean u didn't know?! wtfreak. and obviously u didn't read my post X(
jackie: lol siao ah? marriage is still a long way to go XD
simon: yea i think so. teehee
I'm confused! @.@
kenwooi: emm, thanks. lol
solitary rose: what's so confusing? lol. to make it short, the status came one and a half year late O.o
Haha.. congrats! U two look really lovely together :)
wen pink: LOL! as if u didn't know we've been together for so long. teehee. thanks anyway
now already got baby lorrr
joshuaongys: omg if we had a baby when we were first together, our baby must be 6months old dy! HAHAHAHA
make sure he know about diz post!hehe
aidi-safuan: of course! i've asked him to read this. lol
You might want to check this cool dating chat line.
Exotic Chatline
actually i think most girls in network dont comment because they are very complicated ppl with alot of analytical thoughts in their heads. lol. the guys pulak just write out what they thinnk at 1st thought. but this is a really cool compromise to nt display in FB relationship.
cheat one! old news! :P
congratzzz... to u and hikaru (",)
!! Congratz on a relationship hehe..
huh...??!!!! u in a relationship liao la??? y never tell me de???!! congratulations wor...!! u 2 look sweet together but i think u look much beautiful than ur bf ler...
*ahem ahem*
see i so good, pretend for u. XD
I know it's definitely a happy thing for a girl! Congrats! =D
ok ok.. *pretends to be hype and surprise*
OMG OMG OMG!! Kate taken ady~!! No hope for so many guys ady... Boohoo~
*coughs* Hmmm.. how's that? =P
cih, so many comments dy. thought twice of commenting, chose not to, but have to make known to you my intention. i dont wana say that i like your agreement(with hik/each other)! fabulous BF.(hik, can i now tag along when u guys are out on a date?)
kate.. i knew that you're in relationship with Hikaru, some times ago already lo~ (i read your blog almost everyday ma...)
but anyway, i still want to say, congrats and love forever!! ^__^
jaycee: i wanted to stick to the agreeement, but got quite sick of stupid guys asking why i'm single. fabulos bf???? LOL! he can be our photographer again next time! XD
hayley: thanks for following my blog posts! *touched* love forever is a bit exaggerated. LOL
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