On our third day in Melbourne, Katie couldn’t bring us around as she had a group meeting, so Joyie played her part as our tour guide instead. The plan was to take the free City Circle Tram and go down at whichever station we want.
#1 There’s no day when we don’t dress up in black.
#2 Before the journey, we stopped by Lord of the Fries which was in the must-try list that Katie prepared.

#3 The menu.
#4 It might look like just another snack stall, but really, the fries were amazing!
#5 Special sauce that makes you crave for more!
#6 No, you don’t eat KFC when you come all the way to Melbourne because the fried chicken there sucks. But there was one thing (or I assumed, one and only) that tastes good- KFC wicked wings! We bought 15 wings for the 3 of us XD
One thing bad about Melbourne is that you can’t find proper chili sauce there. Unlike in Malaysia, they don’t serve chili sauce in places like McD and KFC, let alone in any other neighbourhood restaurant. Well they do have “sweet chili”, which I don’t think should even be called chili in the first place.
#7 In the City Circle Tram which looked really old and classic.
#8 We hopped down at Victoria Harbour.
#10 So many yachts!
#11 I thought building as such only exists in prints.
#12 At the first sight it looked like a dice, but observed closely, aren’t there four legs sticking up from the rectangular body? So it was a cow stuck on the tree? Wonder how they got this idea. LOL.
#13 That’s the City Circle Tram.
#14 The harbour was really quiet and peaceful. Would be an ideal place to reside upon retirement if you enjoy waking up to the soothing breeze.
#15 We sat on a bench and prepared to nom our food.
#16 See, it says “the best fries you’ll ever try”, and they didn’t lie!
#17 Wicked wings!
#18 Before that, there was this girl who stood up from the bench leaving a huge water stain behind. We thought she pee-ed on her pants or something. But then it happened to all of us! (so much for laughing at her earlier on) Apparently the bench was wet and the water soaked through the wood so we got deceived by the surface. We left with very wet asses which shivered each time the wind blew from backward. Jeez.
#19 We went further up to Harbour Town shopping centre to hunt for cheap clothings! But Joyie warned us not to shop too much as we were going to the awesome DFO on the next day. We couldn’t shop much even if we wanted to, as all the shops closed before 6pm.
#20 Very clean road everywhere in Melbourne.
Han Gook Gwan (a Korean restaurant) for dinner!
#21 From top left: Diana, Shereen. Bottom left: Jess, me (duh), Jean and Katie.
#22 Cha Jeong Meon or something which means 炸酱面. It’s a Chinese dish.
#23 Gyu Tan! (ox tongue) Damn funny when the Korean waiter repeated our order cause he pointed to his own tongue when he said ox tongue! Wtfreak. We laughed our heads off XD
#24 Oh noooo I forgot what the rice is called! Bibimbab is it? LOL.
#25 Supposed to mix it with the sauce.
#26 Korean hot pot! Yummeh!
#27 Sweet and sour chicken. Don’t underestimate it. It’s one of the best chickens I ever had, if not the best!
#28 She always mocked at me for saying that some chickens taste too chickeney.
#29 Three of us.
#30 The girls. Plus a monkey behind HAHAHAHA.
#31 All of us. Very the happy after a satisfying meal! *burp*
After all the nice food we consumed was half digested, we left home and went out to Tien Ren for bubble tea.
#32 Hot Taro (yam) milk tea.
#33 Fried chicken.
#34 Damn nice lo the Taro. I don’t mind having that every night before I sleep!
Okay that sums up my third post. Gotta run now as I’m late for Beng Chun’s birthday party. BBQ steam boat buffet later weeeeeeeeeee! Don’t just read my posts without commenting la I need motivations to continue blogging you know cis I hate you guys damn mean especially you Andrew Chua!