Nice photos taken with Andrew’s DSLR. I had to remind him to bring his camera before he commented that there’s nothing nice to shoot in Muar. What are you saying??? There’s always me! LOL.
He thought fries are boring and so-not-taiwan, but it turned out really good with special powder topping. The dumplings were delicious too!
Welcome back from UK. I hate your kiddo hair. Azhar look was disgusting but at least better than this.
My favourite photo.
Most of the photos turned out sucky but he said it was the model’s problem. Pfft.
Had to shamelessly repeat “eh take picture of me!” every now and then cause the photographer was reluctant and paiseh. Wtfreak.
Then I forced him to take a nice photo of me modeling the car, but he failed! Can’t even see the car lo!
The shiny BMW which I was supposed to model for. I’m a better photographer. Papa Chua please don’t keel me for featuring your car here. Teehee.
Spotted a funny car plate. We reckoned it must belong to a durian seller XD
An ordinary scenery in Muar which we often take for granted.
More vain photo of me.
It’s so greeeeeeeeeen!
Anyway I got really pissed off yesterday because someone told me that he formatted his laptop and camera and the photos he was supposed to send me are all gone! They’re nice photos of me which I’ve waited ages to receive, but now they’re ALL GONE!!! Freaking angry and mad! Photos are like my biggest treasure, can’t afford to lose any of them, especially those really pretty ones. Moreover I waited 2months for them! He could have just emailed me before everything was reformatted! Jeez. Damn suey lo. Some more acted like no biggie and said feng liang hua, that photos can be retaken! It’s never the same, geddit?! And I couldn’t have gone back to the same place and have it all taken again. Photos refresh my memory ad remind me of the good old happy times. Now I’ve lost one part of my happy past, oh great.
Going up to KL with Kim tomorrow, but I haven’t packed my stuff! Gotta make sure I don’t leave behind anything as I’m going back for good. So sad to leave my cosy home. Right now I have an urge to take a hot shower and sleep till the next morning. Feeling so sleepy after taking my cough and flu medicine. Think of something that would motivate me! Oh oh, have to plan our next 2 days, where to eat and shop and have all the fun in the world! And the fun goes on till Saturday when I board the plane to east side! I hope my flu will be healed the moment I wake up the next morning. Life is good after all. Okay my sentences are becoming more incoherent, I better go pack now bai!