Meanwhile, I thought of creating an early wish list for my birthday which won’t be happening till end of August! Now that I’m getting a camera, I can check that off the list. Still thinking of getting a Polaroid after seeing how much fun people are having with their instant photographs. But the price of the films is a major turn off. So if you’re getting me a Polaroid, make sure it comes together with films that are enough to last me for at least 2months! Teehee. I want a Blackberry after I settle down in Sunway! With a good telco service so I can tweet everyday! And I need an external hard disk as well cause my laptop is running out of memory! Gosh, why are these all gadget-related stuff? Have to include some fashionable stuff in my wish list so I won’t turn into a geeky uni girl.

Uni is starting in less than a month. Unlike college, uni admission doesn’t excite me at all. Back then before I entered college, I even planned my outfit for orientation week. Now, I think I’ll just grab whatever I can reach from my closet. I haven’t really get a clear idea about how my future turn out, what I’m gonna do, who I’m gonna be etc. Pretty aimless at the moment. Sis thinks that I should start praying and asked God for a direction. She even borrowed a video for me in which a preacher advises teenagers on their future pathways. Hopefully this coming 3 years of uni education will help me gain some self-discovery. Meanwhile I should start making the full use of my brain after having it rot (not literally) for the past few months.
Right now I should start packing my luggage cause I will be going up to KL 2days later! After that I should start packing again as I’ll be leaving to Sibu for one last trip before I start my uni! This is my first time to Sibu, hope it’ll be fun. What’s nice to eat there? Any particular places that I must visit? Can’t wait! *excited*
haha sell off d Ixus 105 n get better compact la :P
jackie: good idea! see what colour i'm getting first. lol
color? oh u havent get d ixus? LOL..i dying to get sony WX1..LOL..or LX3 if i rich enuf T_T
jackie: not yet! have to wait for a month or so. why do u need another camera when u already have a big ass dlsr? lol
coz d ass too big..lz carry everywhere..so think of a compact for casual usage..LOL but no money buy hahaha..pray hard can win from nuffnang, d sony TX5 :D
ohh u took part for the tx5! good luck ya! =)
yea joined..haha thx..u too have fun wif ya compact :P
i will! hope i'll get the colour i want XD
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