Okay. Katie showed me this and I thought it was an interesting one. The Good Boyfriend Test composed by her. And now I stole it and made someone answer the questions. I know you're gonna say "such a copykatie!" Let me show you the test first:
1. Your mother is wearing a stylish striped top with some printing on the front, and your gf is wearing a glam bejewelled shimmery top. When your gf asks you who looks more chio, you answer:
A. "You la, you always look so hot no matter what you wear!"
B. "Erm, I like my mum's fashion sense better leh."
C. "Don't ask me to choose! I don't care la, stupid things only what."
2. It is the weekend, and your gf suggests that you go shopping together. You agree, and when she spends three hours in Topshop, what do you do?
A. Stand at the dressing room and helpfully give comments about which outfit is the nicest.
B. Yawn and start tapping your feet and looking at your watch, so NOT subtly.
C. Bribe her with food/clothes so that she'll leave the store.
D. Complain. Loudly.
3. You just had a very big argument with your gf about.. well.. nothing really. She was probably just hormonal and therefore a small thing like "I think you shouldn't eat that last slice of cake" blows up into a huge WW3. What do you do?
A. Ask her, "Eh, you got your period isit?"
B. Keep quiet and refuse to look at her till she apologizes/begs for mercy.
C. You beg for mercy.
D. Argue some more.
4. You are out in town one day when you meet your ex, who is looking really hot and gorgeous. You suggest having coffee, but your gf pulls a sulky face the whole time. When you are alone again, what will you say to her?
A. "What's wrong with you leh, always get angry for nothing, like small kid only!"
B. "Aww baby, are you jealous? C'mon, I dumped her cuz you are clearly, clearly so much hotter!"
C. Pretend that you don't see her frowns and monosyllabic grunts when she talks.
D. "Eh, Sharon/Amanda/etc. is looking really pretty these days right." (You loser)
5. Your gf spots a really pretty but frankly, quite expensive bag in the window of her favourite store. She insists on getting it regardless of the astronomical price tag. Do you:
A. Offer to chip in some money so that she doesn't have to pay so much. It IS a pretty bag.
B. Whine that she already has millions of bags and drag her away kicking and screaming.
C. Pretend you don't see her getting it, lining up and paying for the bag. So you don't have to contribute to the cost.
6. You go out clubbing/drinking with your mates, and on a drunken dare, you snogged another girl. What would you do the next time you see your gf?
A. Tell her everything and laugh about it together (if she's that nice).
B. Act like nothing happened, and when she asks how was your weekend, say "Okay."
C. Tell her that the girl came on to you and you were screaming at her to let you go.
7. Let's say you tell her about the girl. If she gets angry and sulky and refuses to talk to you, you:
A. Apologize profusely and swear it will never happen again. It IS your fault.
B. Start arguing with her about who's right/wrong.
C. Try to reason with her that you were drunk/barely conscious.
D. Cry and beg for forgiveness.
E. Tell her that she's stupid.
8. Your girl chooses to forfeit a night with you in favour of hanging out with her best friends. You must be:
A. Understanding. Like guys need 'guy time', so do girls. Need 'girl time', I mean.
B. Reluctant, but compromise by asking to come along as well.
C. Angered. "We spend so little time together leh!" when in reality you spend practically every waking moment together.
9. You say something that seems irrelevant and unimportant (eg. "Don't you think that's enough meatballs?" and "You're not looking too good these days") and your gf starts to throw a hissy fit. Or she just lapses into silence and communicates with you via grunts and one word answers. You ask her, "What's wrong with you NOW?" exasperatedly and she answers "Nothing". What do you think she means?
A. She is pissed off but wants you to realise it for yourself.
B. She wants you to apologize for whatever comment you made.
C. She wants to fight. AGAIN?
D. Nothing. Exactly that.
10. Your gf complains that you never say anything spontaneously sweet or romantic, and that you never seem to understand her thoughts which she is beaming telepathically to you. What do you say in response to this?
A. "Pffft. You joking right. How childish."
B. "I'm memang like that, can't do anything."
C. "Sorry darling, I'll try next time."
D. Start arguing with her and her stupidity/childishness/etc.
Awesome! (apparently awesome is Katie's favourite word at the moment) Now, if only you'd care to look at his answers. By HE, I don't mean Katie's beloved William but, well, you-don't-have-to-know-who. . . anyway, he's not really a complete a**hole because he answered a few questions correctly! *applause*
Note: answers are in red.
1. Your mother is wearing a stylish striped top with some printing on the front, and your gf is wearing a glam bejewelled shimmery top. When your gf asks you who looks more chio, you answer:
A. "You la, you always look so hot no matter what you wear!"
B. "Erm, I like my mum's fashion sense better leh."
C. "Don't ask me to choose! I don't care la, stupid things only what."
D, “lets go eat sushi”
2. It is the weekend, and your gf suggests that you go shopping together. You agree, and when she spends three hours in Topshop, what do you do?
A. Stand at the dressing room and helpfully give comments about which outfit is the nicest.
B. Yawn and start tapping your feet and looking at your watch, so NOT subtly.
C. Bribe her with food/clothes so that she'll leave the store.
D. Complain. Loudly.
E. Go topman buy my stuff, just next door what. (smart)
3. You just had a very big argument with your gf about.. well.. nothing really. She was probably just hormonal and therefore a small thing like "I think you shouldn't eat that last slice of cake" blows up into a huge WW3. What do you do?
A. Ask her, "Eh, you got your period isit?"
B. Keep quiet and refuse to look at her till she apologizes/begs for mercy.
C. You beg for mercy.
D. Argue some more.
E. Stare at her like she is some kinda weirdo. (stop adding your version of answer into the questions already! you're supposed to choose!)
4. You are out in town one day when you meet your ex, who is looking really hot and gorgeous. You suggest having coffee, but your gf pulls a sulky face the whole time. When you are alone again, what will you say to her?
A. "What's wrong with you leh, always get angry for nothing, like small kid only!"
B. "Aww baby, are you jealous? C'mon, I dumped her cuz you are clearly, clearly so much hotter!"
C. Pretend that you don't see her frowns and monosyllabic grunts when she talks.
D. "Eh, Sharon/Amanda/etc. is looking really pretty these days right." (You loser)
5. Your gf spots a really pretty but frankly, quite expensive bag in the window of her favourite store. She insists on getting it regardless of the astronomical price tag. Do you:
A. Offer to chip in some money so that she doesn't have to pay so much. It IS a pretty bag.
B. Whine that she already has millions of bags and drag her away kicking and screaming. (I knew it!)
C. Pretend you don't see her getting it, lining up and paying for the bag. So you don't have to contribute to the cost.
6. You go out clubbing/drinking with your mates, and on a drunken dare, you snogged another girl. What would you do the next time you see your gf?
A. Tell her everything and laugh about it together (if she's that nice).
B. Act like nothing happened, and when she asks how was your weekend, say "Okay." (typical)
C. Tell her that the girl came on to you and you were screaming at her to let you go.
7. Let's say you tell her about the girl. If she gets angry and sulky and refuses to talk to you, you:
A. Apologize profusely and swear it will never happen again. It IS your fault. (you probably answer this because you are guilty over something else that you did without my knowing)
B. Start arguing with her about who's right/wrong.
C. Try to reason with her that you were drunk/barely conscious.
D. Cry and beg for forgiveness.
E. Tell her that she's stupid.
8. Your girl chooses to forfeit a night with you in favour of hanging out with her best friends. You must be:
A. Understanding. Like guys need 'guy time', so do girls. Need 'girl time', I mean. (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I don't quite believe in your so-called 'guy time'! LOL)
B. Reluctant, but compromise by asking to come along as well.
C. Angered. "We spend so little time together leh!" when in reality you spend practically every waking moment together.
9. You say something that seems irrelevant and unimportant (eg. "Don't you think that's enough meatballs?" and "You're not looking too good these days") and your gf starts to throw a hissy fit. Or she just lapses into silence and communicates with you via grunts and one word answers. You ask her, "What's wrong with you NOW?" exasperatedly and she answers "Nothing". What do you think she means?
A. She is pissed off but wants you to realise it for yourself.
B. She wants you to apologize for whatever comment you made.
C. She wants to fight. AGAIN?
D. Nothing. Exactly that.
E. she was being lame and she has nothing to say already. So she said nothing. (can i change my mind about that a**hole part?)
10. Your gf complains that you never say anything spontaneously sweet or romantic, and that you never seem to understand her thoughts which she is beaming telepathically to you. What do you say in response to this?
A. "Pffft. You joking right. How childish."
B. "I'm memang like that, can't do anything." (as always XD)
C. "Sorry darling, I'll try next time."
D. Start arguing with her and her stupidity/childishness/etc
Your gf composes a Good Boyfriend Test, and she demands you take it. You:
A. Take it.
B. Say its a waste of time.
C. Be haolian and say that you're perfect the way you are.
D. Indulge her because you love her.
E. so this is a good boyfriend test?
Oops. I did not tell him that this is a Good Boyfriend Test. Because, you know, well, we don't wanna people to get the wrong idea. I mean, if he knows then surely he wouldn't have done it in the first place!!! But now he probably thinks that I made him do the test because I am being perasan thinking that he's my boyfriend or something! Jeez. I am not perasan!!! He kinda failed the test anyway. As expected. So unthoughtful. So not understanding. So typical man. Hey, but I can't deny the fact that I was quite impressed with the Topman answer. LMAO XD No, wait, he probably wouldn't think of it if I hadn't drag him into Topshop the other day! Ha! See, so you're not that smart after all. Hmm, nope. We did not get any matching boxer. Well, I didn't see any matching ones there, did you? Not like we would get them.
Did you remember to wash your hearts full printed boxer? XD
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Our New Fashion
This entry is a little late. I’ve been waiting for Loo to post it but there doesn’t seem to have any new update in his smelly toilet blog. If you haven’t come across any bimbo-ish guy, you probably need to visit http://toiletscent.blogspot.com/ (See, I’m promoting for you. You’re gonna become famous!) No, I’m not going to tell you that he is gay-ish. Neither am I going to tell you that he has a very sexy body which any guy would fall for. Hmph. I’m hotter! I don’t care. You should fall for me but not him because. . . because he doesn’t have boobies! (as if I have any?) FINE!
Tell you what, Loo started a new fashion! Credits to me! Without me there wouldn’t be this new fashion! Cause he said he wouldn’t wear if I didn’t wear. You dare then I dare. Okay you dare I dare. Then we really did! Wanna see our new fashion? It’s absolutely very freaking extremely super duper AWESOME k!
Aren’t we the coolest people ever? XD

It’s so cool I tell you. We have everybody cheering and clapping for us!Seriously, I’m not making up stories k! No exaggeration. We wore them all the way from Mid Valley to Petaling Street. Even in the LRT! Those Bangladeshi kept staring at us with puzzled looks XD The CCTV must have caught us, leaving the guards thinking that we were some terrorists coming to strike the city.
Hello Mr. Terror.

Miss Terror who only looks good in mask XD

Right then I was thinking how I should respond if anybody happened to demand us to remove our masks.
“Whoever says that we can’t wear masks in public? It’s not stated in the law, is it? Don’t try to fool me. I studied law k!”
Hmm. . . yea. I studied law! Don’t you believe me? I really did!!! I studied in ATC Kemayan the law school. Everything was fine in the beginning. Classes were okay (except English Literature which made me yawned out loud and fell asleep); and my girl friends there were nice. But 2days later I quitted. 2days! I know you’re gonna laugh at me. But no choice. I hate that place! Bad environment. I had to walk past Petaling Street at least twice everyday. It wasn’t exactly a nice place, you see. The point is, I STUDIED LAW! I KNOW THE RULES! WE CAN WEAR MASK ON THE STREET! SO SHUT UP! Well, too bad nobody reprimanded us for starting the cool fashion. So I didn’t get the opportunity to shoot them back with my witty mind and profound law knowledge. LMAO!
Loo’s colourful (not that colorful anymore) nails from Skin Food tester XD There was a pink one but he painted it black on top, saying that pink makes him look gay. BITCH.

Do we look very scary? Why did all the kids show terrified looks whenever they saw us? Clarify: We’re friendly kor kor and jie jie k! We won’t hurt you. We’re the nicest and coolest people you could ever meet!
See? Say we look LOVELY! Say we don’t look SCARY! Say it!

Everyone in Petaling Street called him BATMAN. Really look like batman meh? Why didn’t I think so?

We actually counted the number of people who called him BATMAN. It turned out to be more than 40 if not mistaken. Some even called him Spiderman! Wtfreak? Spiderman doesn’t wear a black mask! What a big difference!
Come to think about it, if he’s BATMAN, then I’m CATWOMAN lah??? LOL very cool! I am catwoman! I have 9lives! Come shoot me! I won’t die!
But why no one called me catwoman one? Is she so unpopular? Someone actually called me BATGIRL. Wtfreak??? BATGIRL=BATMAN’s perempuan simpanan is it? Big insult!
Anyway, my purple mask rockz! It’s shiny unlike his black and dull one. He paid for the masks. He should. Since he called it “his fashion”. Next time I shall hold a mask party. Everyone will wear a mask. There will be all kinda masks. Pretty mask, ugly mask, cow-faced mask, fish-eyed mask, pig-headed mask, hairy-dicked mask (wtfreak who’s gonna wear that???). . . Needless to say, I will be the one wearing the elegant, MOST WANTED mask of the night! All the pig-faced (and hairy-dicked?) will die to dance with me. In the end I will find my prince (who apparently isn’t one of the pig-faced), then he will remove my mask and propose to me and we will live happily ever after!
Loo, something missing in the pic? Sorry lah I edited it and removed your horrible zit. I don’t care if you said you were proud of it. It looked awful so I had to photoshop it!
The bad thing about my purple mask is that it leaves a few red mark on my face when I remove it. The mark wouldn’t disappear until a few hours later. Perhaps my cheekbone is too high (evil queens are often presented with high cheekbones. Omg NO!!!!!) Maybe that was why Loo complained that I had too much make up on. I didn’t even use blusher! The mask was pressed against my face, hence left the red mark there! I didn’t exactly make my cheeks red in purpose you see! It’s natural. My cheeks are naturally pink! Of course he didn’t believe. Hmph! But I really didn’t use blusher leh. I don’t even have one. Ok lah, I used loose powder. A bit nia k. Loose powder wouldn’t make my cheeks that pink if they weren’t naturally pink in the first place XD
So, everyone complimented on our masks. Except one man who said it’s not nice. How dare him! Then I asked him to shuddup. LOL. I figured some of them complimented us cause they had a motive- to persuade Loo into buying their childish BATMAN tee. Oh gosh! NO WAY!!! Did they actually think that Loo will wear that ridiculous batman t-shirt? Nuts. He’ll only wear this:

Nice right? Of course nice. More than 150bucks for one normal tee. But I like it also!
Show off -.-

We should have included the GUESS and RADIOACTIVE (did I spell correctly?) as well.
By the way, did you see that piano? Surprise. I didn’t know that he could play!

Finally I met him! My beloved didi!
Shuddup Loo. I say he’s mine.
Now didi has blue eyes like jiejie. Told you he hearts me.

He’s really naughty lo. Kept scratching and biting me. Scary teeth he has. Look:
Lion King wannabe XD

123 jump! So cute!

Didi looks so fake. Dolly doggie doll.

Loo said this pic is super nice cause I look very different. In other words, I don’t look nice when I look normal lah! X( Katie said I look retarded in this pic though. LOL.


He freaking kissed me! Erm, licked actually. Tasted so salty!

Ugly me.
Tickle tickle you for being naughty =P

I have so many pix of Teddy and me but I don’t think I’m gonna show you all.
Nah, here’s one last one.

LOL for the sake of showing off my clean and smooth shaven legs. Nice, aren’t they?
Thank you. *bow*
I heart Teddy <3
Tell you what, Loo started a new fashion! Credits to me! Without me there wouldn’t be this new fashion! Cause he said he wouldn’t wear if I didn’t wear. You dare then I dare. Okay you dare I dare. Then we really did! Wanna see our new fashion? It’s absolutely very freaking extremely super duper AWESOME k!
Aren’t we the coolest people ever? XD
It’s so cool I tell you. We have everybody cheering and clapping for us!Seriously, I’m not making up stories k! No exaggeration. We wore them all the way from Mid Valley to Petaling Street. Even in the LRT! Those Bangladeshi kept staring at us with puzzled looks XD The CCTV must have caught us, leaving the guards thinking that we were some terrorists coming to strike the city.
Hello Mr. Terror.
Miss Terror who only looks good in mask XD
Right then I was thinking how I should respond if anybody happened to demand us to remove our masks.
“Whoever says that we can’t wear masks in public? It’s not stated in the law, is it? Don’t try to fool me. I studied law k!”
Hmm. . . yea. I studied law! Don’t you believe me? I really did!!! I studied in ATC Kemayan the law school. Everything was fine in the beginning. Classes were okay (except English Literature which made me yawned out loud and fell asleep); and my girl friends there were nice. But 2days later I quitted. 2days! I know you’re gonna laugh at me. But no choice. I hate that place! Bad environment. I had to walk past Petaling Street at least twice everyday. It wasn’t exactly a nice place, you see. The point is, I STUDIED LAW! I KNOW THE RULES! WE CAN WEAR MASK ON THE STREET! SO SHUT UP! Well, too bad nobody reprimanded us for starting the cool fashion. So I didn’t get the opportunity to shoot them back with my witty mind and profound law knowledge. LMAO!
Loo’s colourful (not that colorful anymore) nails from Skin Food tester XD There was a pink one but he painted it black on top, saying that pink makes him look gay. BITCH.
Do we look very scary? Why did all the kids show terrified looks whenever they saw us? Clarify: We’re friendly kor kor and jie jie k! We won’t hurt you. We’re the nicest and coolest people you could ever meet!
See? Say we look LOVELY! Say we don’t look SCARY! Say it!
Everyone in Petaling Street called him BATMAN. Really look like batman meh? Why didn’t I think so?

We actually counted the number of people who called him BATMAN. It turned out to be more than 40 if not mistaken. Some even called him Spiderman! Wtfreak? Spiderman doesn’t wear a black mask! What a big difference!
Come to think about it, if he’s BATMAN, then I’m CATWOMAN lah??? LOL very cool! I am catwoman! I have 9lives! Come shoot me! I won’t die!
But why no one called me catwoman one? Is she so unpopular? Someone actually called me BATGIRL. Wtfreak??? BATGIRL=BATMAN’s perempuan simpanan is it? Big insult!
Anyway, my purple mask rockz! It’s shiny unlike his black and dull one. He paid for the masks. He should. Since he called it “his fashion”. Next time I shall hold a mask party. Everyone will wear a mask. There will be all kinda masks. Pretty mask, ugly mask, cow-faced mask, fish-eyed mask, pig-headed mask, hairy-dicked mask (wtfreak who’s gonna wear that???). . . Needless to say, I will be the one wearing the elegant, MOST WANTED mask of the night! All the pig-faced (and hairy-dicked?) will die to dance with me. In the end I will find my prince (who apparently isn’t one of the pig-faced), then he will remove my mask and propose to me and we will live happily ever after!
Loo, something missing in the pic? Sorry lah I edited it and removed your horrible zit. I don’t care if you said you were proud of it. It looked awful so I had to photoshop it!
The bad thing about my purple mask is that it leaves a few red mark on my face when I remove it. The mark wouldn’t disappear until a few hours later. Perhaps my cheekbone is too high (evil queens are often presented with high cheekbones. Omg NO!!!!!) Maybe that was why Loo complained that I had too much make up on. I didn’t even use blusher! The mask was pressed against my face, hence left the red mark there! I didn’t exactly make my cheeks red in purpose you see! It’s natural. My cheeks are naturally pink! Of course he didn’t believe. Hmph! But I really didn’t use blusher leh. I don’t even have one. Ok lah, I used loose powder. A bit nia k. Loose powder wouldn’t make my cheeks that pink if they weren’t naturally pink in the first place XD
So, everyone complimented on our masks. Except one man who said it’s not nice. How dare him! Then I asked him to shuddup. LOL. I figured some of them complimented us cause they had a motive- to persuade Loo into buying their childish BATMAN tee. Oh gosh! NO WAY!!! Did they actually think that Loo will wear that ridiculous batman t-shirt? Nuts. He’ll only wear this:
Nice right? Of course nice. More than 150bucks for one normal tee. But I like it also!
Show off -.-
We should have included the GUESS and RADIOACTIVE (did I spell correctly?) as well.
By the way, did you see that piano? Surprise. I didn’t know that he could play!
Finally I met him! My beloved didi!
Shuddup Loo. I say he’s mine.
Now didi has blue eyes like jiejie. Told you he hearts me.

He’s really naughty lo. Kept scratching and biting me. Scary teeth he has. Look:
Lion King wannabe XD
123 jump! So cute!
Didi looks so fake. Dolly doggie doll.
Loo said this pic is super nice cause I look very different. In other words, I don’t look nice when I look normal lah! X( Katie said I look retarded in this pic though. LOL.

He freaking kissed me! Erm, licked actually. Tasted so salty!

Ugly me.
Tickle tickle you for being naughty =P
I have so many pix of Teddy and me but I don’t think I’m gonna show you all.
Nah, here’s one last one.
LOL for the sake of showing off my clean and smooth shaven legs. Nice, aren’t they?
Thank you. *bow*
I heart Teddy <3
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Joelyn's 18
Hello Malacca. Did you know that express bus fare from Malacca to Muar is only RM3.20? Freaking cheap!

That was my final destination before heading back to Muar. Final destination? Wtfreak XD

After my shopping spree in KL. With my new clothes stuff inside my trolley luggage. It didn’t feel nice carrying those things when I took the bus alone (should have brought a larger luggage)

It was Joelyn’s birthday party! Hey girl, now that you’re 18. . . ? XD

Boyfriend of the day! LOL?

Jeez. They’re like the celebrities huh?

I know I look extremely awful without my make up on. Especially after a 2-hour-travel.

We heart BBQ marshmallows!

Jas Min, the other birthday girl. Why did they say I look like her?? They even dragged me to snap a pic with her! =P

Chocolate Indulgence.

I love this dude’ shirt. It’s a she.

Anyway, I heart my new TOPSHOP undies but now I’m not quite sure if I’m going to wear them.
No, they’re fine. They’re really nice. The size surely fits me just right.
But. . .
I dunno if you really want to see this.

Caption: Sick pervert sniffing Kate’s fabulous TOPSHOP boxer.

Caption: Sick pervert attempting to wear Kate’s TOPSHOP flora brief on the head.
It was then I snatched it away from him in case some nasty kutu jump onto my nice undies. Who knows what kinda gems he carries? Gems. Germs. Gems. Germs. Whatever! I can’t seem to get them right. Loo is probably gonna laugh at me again. Hey, there’s no gems in the toilet bowl. Only gold. LOL. Now, did I get that right?
We visited Museum Samudera on the ship.

Man, I heart the blue sky!

I know this is a very artistic picture. *applause*

Tell me I don’t look ugly with my glasses on =)

I don’t like python. I prefer iguana. But Sanddy insisted to snap a pic. Oh well.

I bought a red Mickey Mouse umbrella in Malacca! Been wanting a new umbrella and it so happened that I came across this really nice ones! OMG it’s so nice and affordable! Total cuteness!
Now when people see me, they’re gonna call me “The girl with the red umbrella”.
That was my final destination before heading back to Muar. Final destination? Wtfreak XD
After my shopping spree in KL. With my new clothes stuff inside my trolley luggage. It didn’t feel nice carrying those things when I took the bus alone (should have brought a larger luggage)
It was Joelyn’s birthday party! Hey girl, now that you’re 18. . . ? XD
Boyfriend of the day! LOL?
Jeez. They’re like the celebrities huh?
I know I look extremely awful without my make up on. Especially after a 2-hour-travel.
We heart BBQ marshmallows!
Jas Min, the other birthday girl. Why did they say I look like her?? They even dragged me to snap a pic with her! =P
Chocolate Indulgence.
I love this dude’ shirt. It’s a she.
Anyway, I heart my new TOPSHOP undies but now I’m not quite sure if I’m going to wear them.
No, they’re fine. They’re really nice. The size surely fits me just right.
But. . .
I dunno if you really want to see this.
Caption: Sick pervert sniffing Kate’s fabulous TOPSHOP boxer.
Caption: Sick pervert attempting to wear Kate’s TOPSHOP flora brief on the head.
It was then I snatched it away from him in case some nasty kutu jump onto my nice undies. Who knows what kinda gems he carries? Gems. Germs. Gems. Germs. Whatever! I can’t seem to get them right. Loo is probably gonna laugh at me again. Hey, there’s no gems in the toilet bowl. Only gold. LOL. Now, did I get that right?
We visited Museum Samudera on the ship.
Man, I heart the blue sky!
I know this is a very artistic picture. *applause*
Tell me I don’t look ugly with my glasses on =)
I don’t like python. I prefer iguana. But Sanddy insisted to snap a pic. Oh well.
I bought a red Mickey Mouse umbrella in Malacca! Been wanting a new umbrella and it so happened that I came across this really nice ones! OMG it’s so nice and affordable! Total cuteness!
Now when people see me, they’re gonna call me “The girl with the red umbrella”.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Jess Is My Lesbo GF
Rainforest Bistro is a place for alcoholic and footballer but not for some innocent underage girls.

Nothing nice about the pasta. They make me wanna barf. Especially the creamy mushroom spaghetti. I thought it was too creamy. Seriously.

And the waitress was nasty. She refused to take our discount voucher until I threatened to ask for the manager. Smart me =)
Got this flier from Bar Celona. Sorry lah, under age.

Do we look like a lesbian pair? Let’s go make out at Bar Celona, Jess! XD

Guess who I met up with? Bloggers. Ta-dah!

It’s AD aka Uncle Wilson aka Papa Smurf. He looks really old. Even older than my dad. See, I looked so scared. Stayed inches away. LOL.

And that is our young lovely Zoe! Rather mature for a 15 year old yea?

Little mouse.

Who cares if I look fugly in this pic? The spongebob was cute! I just have to show you this!

It’s so unfair that she looks nice in every picture. Never ugly for even once!

Please tell me the pinafore isn’t short and my butt wasn’t showing. True what. You can’t see my butt.

Freak. She has a tongue piercing! Ok, I lost. Don’t ask me to try. I dare not.

Little Zoe stole our lesbian flier!

Oh yea, did I not tell you that she speaks with foreign accent? Well, I assure she’s not like those ordinary 15 year old Form3 kids out there.
Anyway, . . .
OMG wtfreak. Jess carries a handbag?!!!!

LOL good for you babe! You’re becoming more ladylike. And I heart your necklace! <3
Nothing nice about the pasta. They make me wanna barf. Especially the creamy mushroom spaghetti. I thought it was too creamy. Seriously.
And the waitress was nasty. She refused to take our discount voucher until I threatened to ask for the manager. Smart me =)
Got this flier from Bar Celona. Sorry lah, under age.
Do we look like a lesbian pair? Let’s go make out at Bar Celona, Jess! XD
Guess who I met up with? Bloggers. Ta-dah!
It’s AD aka Uncle Wilson aka Papa Smurf. He looks really old. Even older than my dad. See, I looked so scared. Stayed inches away. LOL.
And that is our young lovely Zoe! Rather mature for a 15 year old yea?
Little mouse.
Who cares if I look fugly in this pic? The spongebob was cute! I just have to show you this!
It’s so unfair that she looks nice in every picture. Never ugly for even once!
Please tell me the pinafore isn’t short and my butt wasn’t showing. True what. You can’t see my butt.
Freak. She has a tongue piercing! Ok, I lost. Don’t ask me to try. I dare not.
Little Zoe stole our lesbian flier!
Oh yea, did I not tell you that she speaks with foreign accent? Well, I assure she’s not like those ordinary 15 year old Form3 kids out there.
Anyway, . . .
OMG wtfreak. Jess carries a handbag?!!!!
LOL good for you babe! You’re becoming more ladylike. And I heart your necklace! <3
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