It’s a shame that I had ever written such thing about that down syndrome girl. Ever since that day I’ve been feeling so bad of myself, especially after I read all the comments. Gee. I’m emotionally disturbed. I can hardly sleep. I feel sick thinking about it when I eat. (about that post, not that shit) I can assure you that I had no intention to humiliate or insult any party. Take into consideration that I typed the whole lousy thing in a furious stage. Wasn’t exactly angry with her, just upset that my bag stunk badly. Was just in a bad mood. I know that isn’t an excuse for me writing all that stuff in my blog. I even feel so bad for complaining to that poor woman about such thing. So immature. So naïve. Garn, I feel ashamed of myself! Sometimes I’m just so lost. Gotta figure out what went wrong in my head. I guess your comments helped? Whatever it is, it’s my fault alright?
Anyway, Blogger hasn’t been working well these few days and I can hardly upload any photos. This time I think many people are gonna gimme double smack on my head cause I’ve promised not to post anything yet there’re already 2updates=P
Did I not mention that it’s our exam week?! We had our 1st paper, Theology yesterday. I dunno, sometimes it seems that the questions are easy, but when you get back the paper, you don’t even score well! Is it so difficult to even get an A-? I’ve heard seniors telling us how well they scored last year. I’ve already so badly in my Mid Term. I totally screwed up my Math and Reading! Mum has been reminding me that I gotta study hard, do well, score good grades, go to US, blabla. Oh ya, she even reminded me not to keep online and chatting with that someone. Jeez, she thinks I’m in love with that someone and I was like, “I chat with him only like once in every 2weeks k!” Wtfreak. She’s so scared that I will fall in love and indulge in all that dating lovey dovey thingy. Nah, not anymore. I assured her by saying that that I will never get to find any suitable partner here.
OMG have you bought CLEO November Edition??? There’s this pass for CLEO Fashion Awards at Zouk Club KL! It’s for 21 years old and above. Obviously I can’t go! I was so excited until I saw the terms and conditions! There’re also many contests giving up freebies for the first few readers to submit their entries. I’ve given up hope for that since I don’t even know where the nearest post office I can find is. Gawd, it sucks having to give up on those freebies! They’re even giving out HUGO XX XY! There’s this buy 1 free 1 HUGO for the first 50 readers to show up at KLCC. I’m thinking of getting dad and mum each. They’re gonna love it! XD Go get your CLEO now and find out more details!
Meanwhile I’ve got my Australia auntie’s email. Have to contact her to see if she’s free at anytime cause I’m planning a trip to Sydney! Gawd, if this plan is gonna work, it will be my 1st time travelling so far, and not to mention, travelling on my own! I have a few people telling me how badly it sucks having to travel alone. Gimme some suggestions? Gosh, I have exam to study and I shouldn’t get too excited over the whole Sydney trip plan! Study study! Ciaoz!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Guess what? There won't be any updates for the rest of the week. Okay, at least that's what I promise myself. Stop being a blogaholic for a few week! You can blog all you want when exam is over! I said I was stresssssssssssed but no one believes me! Maybe I was making too much jokes XD My biggest worry : Math. My math sux real bad k! Whatever. The point is, I'm not gonna blog. Please smack me when you see me coming for updates! But meanwhile please come over and drop me a message in my chatbox. I'll go reply your messages alright? And to make sure I maintain my daily hits so I'll get paid soon XD
In case you miss my face (or my body, whatever), here's a pix for you. It's called "Princess in the Garden".
Good bye for now.
If you believe me =P
Happy Birthday Hui Chin!

I know this pix is cute like a little child. Of course, you must know who the photographer is! XD
Oh, lemme intro her to you. She's Hui Chin, my roomie alright? We've been spending time together recently.
Now that she is 18!!!
Happy Birthday! <3
p/s: pix and details of her party are ready but will not be posted so soon =P
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Princess from Ming Dynasty
There was this friend of Dakota, Adam who said I am a slut and that I am from Ming Dynasty because of what I wore! Wtfreak? There must be TopShop in the Ming Dynasty huh? I figure Kate Moss must be really old now! So annoying one how dare he said that to me. Okay, not to me but to him. But still, he dare insulted me! I dunno how this Adam fella looks like, but I know he’s a Chinese from NZ. If I’m the Princess from Ming Dynasty then he must be the eunuch! A princess who speaks Mandarin and a eunuch who speaks Cantonese! I like that idea! XD XD XD
I’ve got something to tell you guys. I’m thinking of deleting my blog! (thinking only) There’ve been so much bad things, you see. I thought I should just delete the whole thing and start all over again with a new domain. Maybe I’ll get a wordpress. The feature is so much better. But still, I’ll wait till I get my first cheque from Nuffnang. I have no idea when they’ll be paying me. Probably a few more weeks to go cause the daily hits recently hasn’t been so bad and the advertorial is paying me quite well (compared to the previous months). So meanwhile I will reconsider the idea. By deleting it, all my favourite and your favourite posts will be gone, you see. I’ll have a hard time telling all my readers my new domain and asking all the bloggers out there to change my link. Very troublesome indeed! Or maybe I should stop being a blogaholic and get on with my life! What do you think?
Yesterday morning I went for “bakuteh” breakfast with Abangchua. He was back from Singapore (for only 2days, crazy). He said he had been waiting to return me my kiddo pic, which I don’t remember giving him, probably he stole it from my photo album. Dunno why he was so eager to get rid of the pic since he was the one who stole it. He could have just keep it nicely or go laminate it as his bookmark wat! So cute leh my pic! LOL. It was wrapped in my secondary school test pad, with my dad’s credit card number, my old password inscribed on it! It was like, 3 years ago you know! Amazing how the paper could still survive till today! What a historical artefact! I’m gonna preserve it in the drawer where I keep all my love letters! (love letters are not from him k)

Abangchua said he’s very shy one. He doesn’t want to show you his face =P It’s a trend that everyone who goes study in Singapore will slim down skinny like a bean pole. I think he used to be 80kg last time! Very fat right?

Next. The guys phoned me out of nowhere and said they were gonna reach my house in no time. We went to Tanjung for rojak! Normally I would take hours to make up infronta the mirror like this:

But this time cannot lah! I couldn’t keep them waiting. Jin Sheng will go mad. I’m not his Jess, you know. He wouldn’t mind waiting for her I guess. And if I do so Zili will surely pepe again. I think he’s very against make up one. A traditional outcast. Funny though we have totally different mindset yet we are still the best buddy ever. Oh well. . .

Anyway, our beloved Mr. Ian Ding is ignoring me! You don’t see him in my cbox these two days, do you? I dunno what happened to him. He refused to reply my text. Otherwise he replied short short and said something strange like he’s been bothering me. That’s not true! He didn’t want to tell me what’s wrong and kept me in wonders X( He said he needs time to recover and that he’ll tell me some other time. He’s lying! Whenever he says some other time, well, I know what he means. I think he’s mad with me. So sad X( Text me when you read this k. You know I’m concern about you. Big bro don’t make the little girl worried. Waiting=)
I’ve got something to tell you guys. I’m thinking of deleting my blog! (thinking only) There’ve been so much bad things, you see. I thought I should just delete the whole thing and start all over again with a new domain. Maybe I’ll get a wordpress. The feature is so much better. But still, I’ll wait till I get my first cheque from Nuffnang. I have no idea when they’ll be paying me. Probably a few more weeks to go cause the daily hits recently hasn’t been so bad and the advertorial is paying me quite well (compared to the previous months). So meanwhile I will reconsider the idea. By deleting it, all my favourite and your favourite posts will be gone, you see. I’ll have a hard time telling all my readers my new domain and asking all the bloggers out there to change my link. Very troublesome indeed! Or maybe I should stop being a blogaholic and get on with my life! What do you think?
Yesterday morning I went for “bakuteh” breakfast with Abangchua. He was back from Singapore (for only 2days, crazy). He said he had been waiting to return me my kiddo pic, which I don’t remember giving him, probably he stole it from my photo album. Dunno why he was so eager to get rid of the pic since he was the one who stole it. He could have just keep it nicely or go laminate it as his bookmark wat! So cute leh my pic! LOL. It was wrapped in my secondary school test pad, with my dad’s credit card number, my old password inscribed on it! It was like, 3 years ago you know! Amazing how the paper could still survive till today! What a historical artefact! I’m gonna preserve it in the drawer where I keep all my love letters! (love letters are not from him k)
Abangchua said he’s very shy one. He doesn’t want to show you his face =P It’s a trend that everyone who goes study in Singapore will slim down skinny like a bean pole. I think he used to be 80kg last time! Very fat right?
Next. The guys phoned me out of nowhere and said they were gonna reach my house in no time. We went to Tanjung for rojak! Normally I would take hours to make up infronta the mirror like this:
But this time cannot lah! I couldn’t keep them waiting. Jin Sheng will go mad. I’m not his Jess, you know. He wouldn’t mind waiting for her I guess. And if I do so Zili will surely pepe again. I think he’s very against make up one. A traditional outcast. Funny though we have totally different mindset yet we are still the best buddy ever. Oh well. . .
Anyway, our beloved Mr. Ian Ding is ignoring me! You don’t see him in my cbox these two days, do you? I dunno what happened to him. He refused to reply my text. Otherwise he replied short short and said something strange like he’s been bothering me. That’s not true! He didn’t want to tell me what’s wrong and kept me in wonders X( He said he needs time to recover and that he’ll tell me some other time. He’s lying! Whenever he says some other time, well, I know what he means. I think he’s mad with me. So sad X( Text me when you read this k. You know I’m concern about you. Big bro don’t make the little girl worried. Waiting=)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
How To Be More Like Kate
Now you guess what it is all about? Man, I’ve known him for so long but it was not until today that I discovered he actually understands Chinese! Wtfreak! He never told me that! Not only can he write, but he can speak too! OMG he got me dumbfounded! I was like. . . Who taught you those Chinese words??? It’s amazing, don’t you think? I can’t imagine him the angmoh speaking Chinese! Yes, it’s really 疯狂的! This is crazy, Dak!
Now what? It’s Dakota’s guide on “How to Be More Like Kate”!

My new title is “CK” huh? You look freaking retarded here! Talking about popularity, I still lose to you lah! Dakotaism is beyond greater than Copykate! <3>
Now what? It’s Dakota’s guide on “How to Be More Like Kate”!

My new title is “CK” huh? You look freaking retarded here! Talking about popularity, I still lose to you lah! Dakotaism is beyond greater than Copykate! <3>
Dakota the manorexic is the super cam-whore! You look really crap without your hair done! Don’t praise me hon, you know I’ll get really proud alright. So flattering. Woah they’re all copying Kate! What’s with the camera? You’re copying me also!!! XD
This one really made me laughed my ass off!!! Omigosh you’re such a clown!!! Why must you always make me laugh? I can’t imagine anyone who would ever do that! I thought about it while eating and I nearly spewed out my food! Make sure you don’t stare at this while eating otherwise you’ll choke! Soooooooooooooooo funny with the “make-up”!!! LMAO XD!!!
OMG thank you for those pix! I love you a lot a lot Dak! It’s so nice of you!
Together we rulez! <3
Queen Whining
The other day I was in a car with this pair of couple (yea, it was weird sitting behind as the third person). We were on the way to somewhere far (I’m-not-gonna-tell-you-where-probably-thailand) in the middle of the night. So this little boyfriend was driving quite recklessly (with good skill) and picked up the phone occasionally. It happened that the girlfriend was jealous of him for keep talking on the phone so she said, “Go to one place also so susah! They keep calling you for what?!” Little boyfriend answered her patiently that his friends don’t know the way so they had to keep calling him. She wasn’t very happy with the answer, so she said, “Don’t care about them lah!” But he just shrugged it off and still answered their calls later on =P
The night was dark. The road was narrow. The way to our destination wasn’t that pleasant. He missed the turn every now and then, not able to see the signboard clearly. The girlfriend wasn’t too pleased about it. “You know how to drive one or not?! So stupid lah!” He was such a gentleman for he did not argue with her. Instead, he apologized with the “cool-down-my-dear” tone: “Sorry lahhh=P” It kinda worked on the whining queen! She asked me whether she was complaining too much and what if he ask her to get down the car and walk there instead. He jokingly asked her to go down. So she opened the door! (when the car was stopping, of course) “Hey, close the door! Don’t be crazy!” He closed it for her. “I where will ask you to walk (direct translate it). Later how to tell your parents?” (actually tak sampai hati XD) She stuck out her tongue and made a funny face (I dunno how I could see it since I was sitting behind, or perhaps it was my imagination)
The journey wasn’t short. We drove through all sorts of pavements during which we encountered bumps here and there. As I said, he was a reckless driver who wouldn’t slow down even while passing through bumps. Then there was a really big bump and wooh! I thought I could have jumped up and hit the roof! This time the girlfriend was frustrated: “Walao! What’s wrong with you leh!!!” Later on she went all quiet and refused to say a word (deliberately). The boyfriend just laughed at his own stupidity and apologized for his mistakes. Then he looked at her (very smart hor don’t need to look infront while driving) and dunno what he was whispering or hinting their love signal whatever couple stuff I dunno or I don’t wish to know. Surprisingly she was okay again. One moment she was angry, the next second she was happy. Gee. What is that? The miraculous power of love?
The couple was unofficial. They just wouldn’t admit that they are fond of each other, though everybody knows what’s going on. Probably because someone has strict parents or more likely, someone is leaving the country. (sheesh, that’s a very obvious hint *wink*) Please lah, I’m not saying myself! Remember I told you I was the third party sitting behind? Watching their behaviours, it reminded me of myself though. She and I have such similar personalities! The situation was almost the same when I was with my ex. Every time he took a wrong turn or whatever, I would start grumbling and scolding him. I know it sounds really childish and silly, but I didn’t know that time. I bet she doesn’t know what she was doing too. Sometimes we need a mirror to reflect our own doings, isn’t that true? The only big difference is the reaction from my ex compared with that from her little boyfriend. No, he did not apologize or say things that would make me happy. He pulled a long face to show that he was unhappy! Funny that he was always the one who went all quiet. Then he would say it was my fault for making so much noise! Gee. If you let me turn back the clock, I would have slapped him before I got down from the car k! Want to be my boyfriend but cannot put up with my temper ah? I’m a princess you dunno is it? Not like you dunno. I don’t think you fit to be my prince lah. You see people’s boyfriend so good one never complain also. Can’t stand your ego lah stupid. You think you very man meh? Every time like that so angry one. Then always make me lose face infronta my friends. Idiot. Your friends say you’re handsome then go marry them lah. I think my dad is more handsome lor.
Sorry, I think I’m whining too much. Oh no, don’t get me wrong that I wasn’t over my ex! Did I tell you that I stupidly broke up with him the day before he wanted to gimme the diamond ring? Hmm, maybe not ring but necklace. Or maybe it was ring and necklace. I’m still dreaming about it, you know? So expensive elegant diamond! Women’s best friend the diamond! And I let it slip off my hand! I think I don’t miss him but miss the diamond XD Should have waited 2more days before kicking him off ma! LOL just kidding. I’m not a vain and materialistic vixen. I know he’s gonna give it to his next girlfriend!!! You freaking biatch don’t you dare put on my diamond!!! Aha do I sound like a pathetic childish girl who was dumped by her ex and still can’t get over it? I’m not like that lah. He can give it to his mistress for all I care!
Stupid. Too much digression. Trust me, I didn’t mean to start bitching about that fella (I don’t think I should call him a jerk just because he couldn’t bear with my temper). The whole point of this post is just to tell that Queen Whining how much she should appreciate her little boyfriend. After all, not every man (boy) can put up with our temper. You are the happiest and luckiest woman (girl) in the world! You’ve got the most gentle and patient boyfriend! Stop throwing tantrums if you can! Although I don’t think I myself can stop.
The night was dark. The road was narrow. The way to our destination wasn’t that pleasant. He missed the turn every now and then, not able to see the signboard clearly. The girlfriend wasn’t too pleased about it. “You know how to drive one or not?! So stupid lah!” He was such a gentleman for he did not argue with her. Instead, he apologized with the “cool-down-my-dear” tone: “Sorry lahhh=P” It kinda worked on the whining queen! She asked me whether she was complaining too much and what if he ask her to get down the car and walk there instead. He jokingly asked her to go down. So she opened the door! (when the car was stopping, of course) “Hey, close the door! Don’t be crazy!” He closed it for her. “I where will ask you to walk (direct translate it). Later how to tell your parents?” (actually tak sampai hati XD) She stuck out her tongue and made a funny face (I dunno how I could see it since I was sitting behind, or perhaps it was my imagination)
The journey wasn’t short. We drove through all sorts of pavements during which we encountered bumps here and there. As I said, he was a reckless driver who wouldn’t slow down even while passing through bumps. Then there was a really big bump and wooh! I thought I could have jumped up and hit the roof! This time the girlfriend was frustrated: “Walao! What’s wrong with you leh!!!” Later on she went all quiet and refused to say a word (deliberately). The boyfriend just laughed at his own stupidity and apologized for his mistakes. Then he looked at her (very smart hor don’t need to look infront while driving) and dunno what he was whispering or hinting their love signal whatever couple stuff I dunno or I don’t wish to know. Surprisingly she was okay again. One moment she was angry, the next second she was happy. Gee. What is that? The miraculous power of love?
The couple was unofficial. They just wouldn’t admit that they are fond of each other, though everybody knows what’s going on. Probably because someone has strict parents or more likely, someone is leaving the country. (sheesh, that’s a very obvious hint *wink*) Please lah, I’m not saying myself! Remember I told you I was the third party sitting behind? Watching their behaviours, it reminded me of myself though. She and I have such similar personalities! The situation was almost the same when I was with my ex. Every time he took a wrong turn or whatever, I would start grumbling and scolding him. I know it sounds really childish and silly, but I didn’t know that time. I bet she doesn’t know what she was doing too. Sometimes we need a mirror to reflect our own doings, isn’t that true? The only big difference is the reaction from my ex compared with that from her little boyfriend. No, he did not apologize or say things that would make me happy. He pulled a long face to show that he was unhappy! Funny that he was always the one who went all quiet. Then he would say it was my fault for making so much noise! Gee. If you let me turn back the clock, I would have slapped him before I got down from the car k! Want to be my boyfriend but cannot put up with my temper ah? I’m a princess you dunno is it? Not like you dunno. I don’t think you fit to be my prince lah. You see people’s boyfriend so good one never complain also. Can’t stand your ego lah stupid. You think you very man meh? Every time like that so angry one. Then always make me lose face infronta my friends. Idiot. Your friends say you’re handsome then go marry them lah. I think my dad is more handsome lor.
Sorry, I think I’m whining too much. Oh no, don’t get me wrong that I wasn’t over my ex! Did I tell you that I stupidly broke up with him the day before he wanted to gimme the diamond ring? Hmm, maybe not ring but necklace. Or maybe it was ring and necklace. I’m still dreaming about it, you know? So expensive elegant diamond! Women’s best friend the diamond! And I let it slip off my hand! I think I don’t miss him but miss the diamond XD Should have waited 2more days before kicking him off ma! LOL just kidding. I’m not a vain and materialistic vixen. I know he’s gonna give it to his next girlfriend!!! You freaking biatch don’t you dare put on my diamond!!! Aha do I sound like a pathetic childish girl who was dumped by her ex and still can’t get over it? I’m not like that lah. He can give it to his mistress for all I care!
Stupid. Too much digression. Trust me, I didn’t mean to start bitching about that fella (I don’t think I should call him a jerk just because he couldn’t bear with my temper). The whole point of this post is just to tell that Queen Whining how much she should appreciate her little boyfriend. After all, not every man (boy) can put up with our temper. You are the happiest and luckiest woman (girl) in the world! You’ve got the most gentle and patient boyfriend! Stop throwing tantrums if you can! Although I don’t think I myself can stop.
1st Visit to Oasis Bay
Hello. Hor-cam! My shirt is so Dorothy! XD

LOL. I have more of them pix in my pc! Don't bother those, they're just some failed attempts. (eat an ice-cream only what, why so susah?) (eat ice-cream oso need to take 30 over pix! never eat b4 izt???) It's easier to cam-whore with an object lah!!! XD
Anyway, we went to Oasis Bay-the Saturday romantic hang out. It's really a nice place located somewhere at Bkt. Pasir. The journey was long but definitely worthwhile.

Today I went to Dak's blog and saw his late night ice-cream. Gee. He made me crave for a cone! I got myself one and here are some pix!
(warning: do not scroll down if you detest self-obsession!)
Choc Dip from Dairy King.
Gimme a close-up! XD
Ugly I know.
Forgive me for licking in public. I had to do so cause it was dripping.
How many people actually peel off their choc top?
I don't care if you say I look extremely ugly or my teeth looks really big, I'm just gonna post this pic =P
Often end up in a mess while eating ice-cream.
So, when are you treating me Baskin Robbins?
LOL. I have more of them pix in my pc! Don't bother those, they're just some failed attempts. (eat an ice-cream only what, why so susah?) (eat ice-cream oso need to take 30 over pix! never eat b4 izt???) It's easier to cam-whore with an object lah!!! XD
Anyway, we went to Oasis Bay-the Saturday romantic hang out. It's really a nice place located somewhere at Bkt. Pasir. The journey was long but definitely worthwhile.
Nono, they weren't actually holding hands! Don't be deceived by my camera! LOL.
But I can assure you that he was massaging his belly.
Kate and Kim. You see, soon I'll be fatter than her.
Love is in the air. LMAO XD
These 2 fella acting cute je! Eeeeee. . .
I just wanna show Katie her greedy hubby. But it happened that someone was laughing with his mouth widely opened. Oops XD
We love coconuts. (Siamese coconuts are better though)
Hmm, nope, I wasn't sitting on his lap! And I'm not posting the one with his tongue sticking out =P
As for this. . . I thought I could have been their guardian! Do find me when you're getting married.
Hmm, nope, I wasn't sitting on his lap! And I'm not posting the one with his tongue sticking out =P
Friday, October 12, 2007
Pete's Shops
Enough on the Mikki & Mouse already! I’m not gonna reply anymore of your freaking comments! I don’t have any family problems, you idiot!
I’ve been quite occupied these 2days you see. I wasn’t busy blogging (just to tell Jess=P), rather, I was busy looking out for cute guys! XD LOL just kidding lah. Think I’m so desperado meh? (Yes, you are.) Whatever X(
You have to believe me this, Muar does have a lot a lot of lengzai when compared to CETNI! It’s almost like a paradise! Although some of them might be too ah-beng, but for 10guys you spot here, 9 of them are better-looking than those at the place back there. I almost had the urge to tell them how good-looking they are. I can’t help! I love complimenting people (and bitching about them?). To add to my fortune, it’s school holiday now so many teens are working in The Store. Oh well, they’re my juniors, but some of them are same age with me. Among them there was this handsome boy whom I thought familiar. Yes, I’ve seen him somewhere! In face I’m pretty sure that I know him! Ahh, I just can’t seem to remember! One thing I was sure, he was checking me out! I knew it when he came and passed by the shop. And he gave me a really stunning look! (dude, I like that!)
I used to come across many people during my schooldays. Since I attended activities, functions, whatsoever quite often, there’s hardly anyone in town whom I dunno. Or, there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t know me? Hey, I wasn’t well-known for nothing! People go to dad’s shop and say, “Hey, I know your daughter!” The second line would be: “She’s from Convent.” Next, “She’s damn smart!!!” LOL. I’m flattered. I am NOT that smart. Some people told dad how they wished they were his daughter. Of course, who would give up the opportunity to inherit the Lee Empire and gain access to the latest fashions? (no, my dad doesn’t own the Lee Company and I’m unlikely the heiress.) Another reason is because dad looks cool. Girls are going after him. (jeez. . .) He’s way cooler than CETNI guys. There’s no need for you to argue.
I think one of the very reasons that I prefer Muar guys to CETNI guys is because they check me out occasionally. Not to say that I seek for attention, but how would a girl feel when guys aren’t even interested in raising their heads and admire her beauty? So much for one hour of dressing up and making up. . . When you walk past any CETNI guy, they simply brush past you without even throwing a look. No matter you’re pretty, you’re ugly, you lose a teeth, you wear sexy thongs, you’re the hottest chic or you’re the bad hair geek with braces, you aren’t gonna catch a glimpse from them! They love their books and their MP3 (geeks love wearing earphone) better than they love you.
Here are some pix to keep your eyes open:
The other day the bus was full but they sold 2extra tickets. So these 2 poor girls had to sit on the chairs in the middle. There was even another who was sitting near the staircase! I would have asked for a refund and fled!

How dare Prisci used my camera and took this ugly shot! Gee. I will tell mum that she loves Wei Jie! She’ll be doom! *laugh*

She doesn’t look like me, does she? I asked her not to open her mouth cause her teeth will scare your nuts off XD

This one is creepy.

Say hi to Pete? I think he needs a hair cut. Okay, he looks ugly here. Don’t bother to see!!!

Pete just renovated his shoes shop. I love the new colour! It doesn’t look so dull now. All bright and newly-furnished!

Pete refused to pay my salary so I decided to quit my job as the cashier.

He should have hired me as the model! Use my picture for the wallpaper at least! X(

I’m mad at him! To amend his mistake, he owes me these shoes! Yay, they’re all mine!!! XD

I can see someone’s foot. Yikes.

I also spotted a few new arrival in Pete’s boutique. I said I want the coat!!! Which one should I get? Black or white? He suggested black. What do you think?

This is the white one. I surely look fatter in white.

My legs just aren’t long enough X(

My face is round. I’m uglier than her.

What do you think about this golden sandal? I’m gonna get one pair!

The bald monk. Funny how I used to call him “guang tou he shang” during CNY and all the kids followed me. That was when I got reprimanded by the granny grandpa auntie uncle for not showing a good example. Gee. You should know what ought to do and what ought not to do when you’re the eldest granddaughter. I know the kids will someday acquire my skill of giving people adorable nicknames XD
I’ve been quite occupied these 2days you see. I wasn’t busy blogging (just to tell Jess=P), rather, I was busy looking out for cute guys! XD LOL just kidding lah. Think I’m so desperado meh? (Yes, you are.) Whatever X(
You have to believe me this, Muar does have a lot a lot of lengzai when compared to CETNI! It’s almost like a paradise! Although some of them might be too ah-beng, but for 10guys you spot here, 9 of them are better-looking than those at the place back there. I almost had the urge to tell them how good-looking they are. I can’t help! I love complimenting people (and bitching about them?). To add to my fortune, it’s school holiday now so many teens are working in The Store. Oh well, they’re my juniors, but some of them are same age with me. Among them there was this handsome boy whom I thought familiar. Yes, I’ve seen him somewhere! In face I’m pretty sure that I know him! Ahh, I just can’t seem to remember! One thing I was sure, he was checking me out! I knew it when he came and passed by the shop. And he gave me a really stunning look! (dude, I like that!)
I used to come across many people during my schooldays. Since I attended activities, functions, whatsoever quite often, there’s hardly anyone in town whom I dunno. Or, there’s hardly anyone who doesn’t know me? Hey, I wasn’t well-known for nothing! People go to dad’s shop and say, “Hey, I know your daughter!” The second line would be: “She’s from Convent.” Next, “She’s damn smart!!!” LOL. I’m flattered. I am NOT that smart. Some people told dad how they wished they were his daughter. Of course, who would give up the opportunity to inherit the Lee Empire and gain access to the latest fashions? (no, my dad doesn’t own the Lee Company and I’m unlikely the heiress.) Another reason is because dad looks cool. Girls are going after him. (jeez. . .) He’s way cooler than CETNI guys. There’s no need for you to argue.
I think one of the very reasons that I prefer Muar guys to CETNI guys is because they check me out occasionally. Not to say that I seek for attention, but how would a girl feel when guys aren’t even interested in raising their heads and admire her beauty? So much for one hour of dressing up and making up. . . When you walk past any CETNI guy, they simply brush past you without even throwing a look. No matter you’re pretty, you’re ugly, you lose a teeth, you wear sexy thongs, you’re the hottest chic or you’re the bad hair geek with braces, you aren’t gonna catch a glimpse from them! They love their books and their MP3 (geeks love wearing earphone) better than they love you.
Here are some pix to keep your eyes open:
The other day the bus was full but they sold 2extra tickets. So these 2 poor girls had to sit on the chairs in the middle. There was even another who was sitting near the staircase! I would have asked for a refund and fled!
How dare Prisci used my camera and took this ugly shot! Gee. I will tell mum that she loves Wei Jie! She’ll be doom! *laugh*
She doesn’t look like me, does she? I asked her not to open her mouth cause her teeth will scare your nuts off XD
This one is creepy.
Say hi to Pete? I think he needs a hair cut. Okay, he looks ugly here. Don’t bother to see!!!
Pete just renovated his shoes shop. I love the new colour! It doesn’t look so dull now. All bright and newly-furnished!
Pete refused to pay my salary so I decided to quit my job as the cashier.
He should have hired me as the model! Use my picture for the wallpaper at least! X(
I’m mad at him! To amend his mistake, he owes me these shoes! Yay, they’re all mine!!! XD
I can see someone’s foot. Yikes.
I also spotted a few new arrival in Pete’s boutique. I said I want the coat!!! Which one should I get? Black or white? He suggested black. What do you think?
This is the white one. I surely look fatter in white.
My legs just aren’t long enough X(
My face is round. I’m uglier than her.

What do you think about this golden sandal? I’m gonna get one pair!
The bald monk. Funny how I used to call him “guang tou he shang” during CNY and all the kids followed me. That was when I got reprimanded by the granny grandpa auntie uncle for not showing a good example. Gee. You should know what ought to do and what ought not to do when you’re the eldest granddaughter. I know the kids will someday acquire my skill of giving people adorable nicknames XD
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