We had Beard Papa cream puff! I can really eat that everyday.
According to my 3 younger siblings, they hated me because I used to be a hot-tempered monster. 3 of them used to gang up against me but they would lose the battle because I was too strong (the exact word described by them). They would end up being beaten up by me instead. They said there was even once when I dragged my sis into the bathroom and splash cold water on her, though I don’t remember having performed such awful act. But as time passed, the amount of time I spent at home became lesser, especially after I left home for studies. They said distance makes the heart grows fonder, how true. Our relationship improved gradually, and up to this day, I’ve become closer than ever with each of them. With Pris, there’s nothing we don’t talk about. Sometimes we would reminisce on our childhood memories till late at night, and Gigi, my youngest sis who sleeps in between us would cover her head with a pillow and demand us to shut up XD
See the price difference between student and adult ticket! Gosh, can’t wait to get my student card in order to enjoy such privilege!
I’m still having cough and flu up to this day. It sucks having to blow my nose every 10minutes. Worse still, everything tastes so bland when you’re having flu. Will I ever recover? I miss the taste of every good food out there!
Ichiban Boshi after the movie.
She carries her back pack everywhere she goes. Siao one. Inside contains all her school work -.-
We bought cupcakes and donuts before leaving.
But no one in my household appreciates Cupcake Chic! Apparently it was too sweet for them. But the sweet icing is always my favourite =(
By the way, yesterday was dad’s birthday so we bought him a cake. Happy birthday dad! Hope you’ll stay young and hensem forever. Teehee.
My camera officially died, so have to take photos with my phone from now on. Unless someone offers to give me a camera as my birthday present! Semi-pro is good enough. Hiak hiak.
wow. your parents look so young! i had to take a double glance to see if they were really in the picture!
vvens: they're more like bro and sis right? lol
all the girls look like mom, so chio~
sirei: but i look exactly like dad without make up! cause of the eyes. lol
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