I think I’m falling in love with the new version of me. Yea right. If only I can achieve that kinda look for real. Well, you didn’t quite buy that, did you? No I did not do skin whitening (got such thing meh?) nor put on huge lens and fake lashes. And of course I didn’t dye my hair gold! I would love to dye it blue, or maybe purple some day but right now my hair is dried and damaged. So obviously, all I did was a little bit of photo editing (if you consider that a little bit). Oh by the way, I reshaped my jaw line and made my face thinner. LOL!
I can have black and silky hair if I want to! But because every Asian is born with black hair, we kinda got bored of it hence took it for granted. Ok, maybe some of you are blessed with natural dark brownish hair. It’s still in the black category. Teehee. But there are only few people who have black, and I mean those black black, really black natural hair. Only can get that kinda effect through colour dye. Pfft.

(The heart-shaped thingy represents the lala-ness of this photo editor. No it’s not photoshop. Teehee.)
I even edited a photo of Hik and I. Hika-chan looks so kawaii! I transformed him from a sepet man to big-eyed pouty boy. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Do you think the hair is weird though? I didn’t know what colour to choose so simply picked blue. I posted this on fb and someone asked whether we’re playing Barbie and Kent XD

(he hates it though. *sad*)
Gawd I’m so addicted to the photo editor. It’s way simpler and more straight forward than Photoshop. I think I’m gonna start editing every single picture before posting them up. Now I can never look back at the original photos again. So fugly and embarrassing. Seriously, and I thought I was pretty all along! What a shame. Jeez.
Please tell me that you love the new dolly me! XD
LOL. Did you do something to the 2nd pic??? Ur boobs look huge leh. wtf. hahahaha...
and the pic of hikaru, don even look like him leh wtf.. leng zai alot liao. hahahahahaha...
*hopes he doesn't see this*
junjun-riko: nope i edited my face only. what boobs? can't even see! LOL. i made him so lengzai right! but he thinks it's ugly. sobs wtfreak =(
real boobs?? ya la, bigger! well, not pamela-andersonly kinda bigger but definitely got pamelo-ly. Like ur bosom is busting out u see! sowhatthefreakandOmgandhowisitpossibleand eh come a little closer
teach me!
michelle: angle problem? or maybe it's the outfit. or maybe, my boobs are that big all along, just that u people never noticed! HAHAHAHAHA
wahlao..eyes damn big leh. ahha!
dylan: nice nice? that's the whole point! lol
u actly do look gud in orange+golden hair..
janice: it's the best photo dy. that's why it's my profile pic! XD
err.. can i say that i like your original eyes more?
eh? what programme you used?
cyrildason: but the edited eyes are prettier X(
isabell: hint:it's a china programme. teehee
no offense, but u looked prettier n BETTER before the bigger eye now.
cos now looks a bit plastic-ish.. no insult intended ya!
and ur bf loooks funny with those huge eyes.. hehe
goingkookies: neh it's ok. i won't feel offended. lol. it looks so plastic that people hates it. but i kinda like it cause it doesn't look too much like me XD
siao lar u!
gosh tat's a great work!! must bug u some time to teach me how to edit photos! heheee!
sirei: it's fun seeing my eyes turn bigger XD
wen pink: yea indeed! every girl should love this editor! teehee
hello to the owner of the blog, can i know what programme you used for edit your eyes? been looking for it since last few months, all i get i photoscape ;O i know that the software is from china, but i don't know the software name. can you help me?
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