My eyes could hardly open in the morning. Not forgetting to mention that they’re extremely tiny o.o

Morning Sweetie. She’s an American Cocker Spaniel.

Very manja and naughty. She follows me wherever I go. When no one’s in the house, she would attempt to jump onto the dining table and hunt for food (like an annoying cat). Damn, she ate my chocolate bar and vomited!

Emo dog.

She’s looking at me! So cute XD

The shades served for the purpose of hiding my ugly eyes. Not gonna how you my non-make-up face! Teehee.

By the way, Sushi King is finally opened in Muar. Had my lunch there today and it sucks big time. No quality control. Tsk tsk.
Don't let ur dog eat chocolates. Chocolates is poisonous for dogs!
anonymous: i know! the stupid bitch stole it from the dining table! =(
this is definitely not MU.
dylan: MU is not so classy. i've shifted to aunt's place at wangsa maju dy XD
My friend had a cocker spaniel too and she's very shy and scare of people.. yours too?
hayley: no she's not! she's like the naughtiest dog ever. very excited whenever someone goes to the house. jump on people all the time. jeez
oh my she's so cute!
jia shin: she's cute, but too hyper and naughty especially when she sees strangers XD
Sushi King. Sounds familiar. It sells sushi? I thought they are selling poo. lol
simon: that's very nice of u =.="
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