Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Auntie in Cheongsam

A paragraph of crappy rants I scribbled down while I was working. Can’t believe that I’m actually retyping this! LOL.

5 more ours til my work ends! I can’t wait! I’m only dressed in a thin piece of cheongsam. Freezing cold. It’s the third day of work, which is also the last day. Walking around the departmental store persuading customers to sign up for membership card isn’t fun at all. If there’s something that I learnt during this job, it’s that Malaysians are rude. Oh well, who am I to complain, as we’re brought up in such a way. Saying thank you seems like the last thing a Malaysian would ever do. But still, the type of people whom I hated the most during my previous roving team job is none other than ang moh. Did you actually think that ang moh are rich and mighty??? Heck no! Most of the ang moh in our country are poor and stingy. And that’s not all. The problem with them is that they talk too much. Instead of going straight to the point, they would go on and on as if to show how smart and knowledgeable they are when in fact they’re a bunch of losers who were sent over to dwell in the third world country. To be honest, if they’re so rich and successful, they wouldn’t even be here in the first place. So the next time you try to hit on some random ang moh fella, please think twice. Unless all you’re looking for is a big juicy dick to be sucked on. Teehee.

It really bothers me that my blog has been so dead for such a long time. I’ve tried to update after work, but each time I was beaten down by exhaustion. Now that I’m finally able to sit down and update on my life, I still have to rush through it as I’ve got another job offer tonight. Working on a Saturday night, which means that I would have to miss out a house party. Meanwhile, I’m so glad that I’ve managed to find myself an appropriate evening wear from aunt’s wardrobe! All her dresses are a few sizes bigger for me and most of them require a busty figure which I obviously don’t have. I’m just way too flat for her super deep V =(

CNY is just around the corner! Have you done your new year shopping? I’ve bought quite a few stuffs last week. Couldn’t resist the temptation of the sales season so I kinda spent all my allowance for this month. Good thing I just got paid for an advert otherwise I could barely survive without a single penny on my leftover balance.

My first harem pants ever. Found it on the sales rack in Topshop! It was the last piece, and the perfect size for me! Pair it with my new Zara top. Anything related to Tiger is irresistible this year. Speaking of tiger, I haven’t get the cute tiger t-shirt from Pull & Bear! Oh gosh.

Gotta run now. Time to work hard for more shopping. Nah, that’s how I looked when I worked in Robinsons.

Someone actually called me auntie. FML.


jolene said...

the color doesn't suit you, makes you look older

Copykate said...

jolene: really?? i thought it's a nice cheongsam =(

~ Xi@nGCooL ~ said...

Neh.... U look pretty with it =]

ahmad endo said...

yeah agree.....the color look pale...

Copykate said...

xiang: me think so too. HAHA *perasan*

ahmad: doesn't mean i deserved to be called auntie -.-

Anonymous said...

look kinda cute, but did that person call you auntie from behind? ignore it.

Copykate said...

supia: right infronta me! i gave the tangerine to her kid, and she said "nah, auntie kasi." LOL?

Ken Wooi said...

dont worry.. i got called as uncle too.. =P

Copykate said...

kenwooi: FYL then. lol

Samuel C said...

wahhhhh damn chinese LOL
its pretty babe =)

Copykate said...

seraph: thank u! =)

Xiaopei said...

Maybe the cheongsam's pattern doesn't suit you :)

Tiffany said...

Hello. Nice. But can't see the whole dress. I think if your cheongsam is a mini dress. I don't think anyone will call U auntie. Anyway the traditional cheongsam dress is always the more elegant lady like type = auntie in some sense. Don't worry too much. U look very pretty.

Simon Seow said...

I think it might be the lipstick la, that's why call u auntie.

Brenda B said...

I thought the cheongsam suit you very well, really nice :)

test said...

no problem , maybe u need cheongsam with latest design

Copykate said...

xiaopei: that's not true. every cheongsam looks almost the same.

tiffany: it's not mini but normal cheongsam length. longer than knee i think. i personally don't think it looks that bad =(

simon: -___-"

brenda: LOL thanks! <3

spectre: latest design like what? teehee