What can be better than a day out with your bestie?
She insisted that her new bedroom slippers are bunnies. But I think they are rats! I mean, mice. White mice. Anyway, they’re really comfortable. Teehee.
Hang out at Katie’s place till evening, when Jess’s exam was over and three of us could finally meet up again. As you know, Jess forbids us to see her during her exam season. How mean! X(
That’s my biatch XD
Oh, and not forgetting, the food we ordered at Country & Western (C&W) that night.
Sizzling black pepper chicken chop.
Spicy chicken chop.
And my favourite sambal fried sausage!
Each of us had a ribbon on our hair that night.
Cute, isn’t? Kaka.
Then Katie suggested that we should try to pose like ahlian. The peace-sign-turned-ah-lian-pose which we detest the most.
Instead of ahlian-fying me, the pose managed to hide my ugly cheekbone and did an excellent job in refining my jaw line! Isn’t that awesome? 3 claps for the universal ahlian pose! XD
The night continued as we proceeded to Katie’s house to play Wii.
Cheerleading game was rather cool!
No pic of me playing Wii cause I swear I looked like a mad baboon -.-
Do you think the Miss Slut title suits me?
Miss PMS and Miss Bitch are my greatest babes!
There we are, capturing a few moment at the end of the night using self-timer.
Aren’t they gorgeous?
Till then, loves <3
hmmm..very chicky... 3 chun chic....great!
by the way do your drink beer?
chun chic LOLLLLL
beer? i drink when i have to. but eew, i don't really like it. i will go for wine instead XD
EHHH wtffff why all my pictures playing Wii damn shy you know wtf T___T
i miss you biatch!
Awesome photos! :)
Drink in Singapore this weekend k?
katie, u looked nice in those wii pic wat! unlike my stupid monkey pic wtfreak.
now who's a better photographer? XD
miss u too! and i'm home now so will be seeing u soon! teehee
huai bin, drink in singapore? ahuh???
jess n katie looks almost the same ler.. u're the odd ball... hahaha.. XDXD
jjr, that's true! some people thought they are twins. that makes me feel left out huh :(
but dun u dare call me the odd ball! i am awesome and very much loved by katie and jess! XD
I want a Wii too, I saw on the TV the characters in the drama series were playing a windows washing game wtf.
window washing game? LOL
there are lotsa game to play. i remember playing the horse galloping game. i ended up more like the galloping horse than the player wtfreak
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