I’ve got something to tell you guys. I’m thinking of deleting my blog! (thinking only) There’ve been so much bad things, you see. I thought I should just delete the whole thing and start all over again with a new domain. Maybe I’ll get a wordpress. The feature is so much better. But still, I’ll wait till I get my first cheque from Nuffnang. I have no idea when they’ll be paying me. Probably a few more weeks to go cause the daily hits recently hasn’t been so bad and the advertorial is paying me quite well (compared to the previous months). So meanwhile I will reconsider the idea. By deleting it, all my favourite and your favourite posts will be gone, you see. I’ll have a hard time telling all my readers my new domain and asking all the bloggers out there to change my link. Very troublesome indeed! Or maybe I should stop being a blogaholic and get on with my life! What do you think?
Yesterday morning I went for “bakuteh” breakfast with Abangchua. He was back from Singapore (for only 2days, crazy). He said he had been waiting to return me my kiddo pic, which I don’t remember giving him, probably he stole it from my photo album. Dunno why he was so eager to get rid of the pic since he was the one who stole it. He could have just keep it nicely or go laminate it as his bookmark wat! So cute leh my pic! LOL. It was wrapped in my secondary school test pad, with my dad’s credit card number, my old password inscribed on it! It was like, 3 years ago you know! Amazing how the paper could still survive till today! What a historical artefact! I’m gonna preserve it in the drawer where I keep all my love letters! (love letters are not from him k)
Abangchua said he’s very shy one. He doesn’t want to show you his face =P It’s a trend that everyone who goes study in Singapore will slim down skinny like a bean pole. I think he used to be 80kg last time! Very fat right?
Next. The guys phoned me out of nowhere and said they were gonna reach my house in no time. We went to Tanjung for rojak! Normally I would take hours to make up infronta the mirror like this:
But this time cannot lah! I couldn’t keep them waiting. Jin Sheng will go mad. I’m not his Jess, you know. He wouldn’t mind waiting for her I guess. And if I do so Zili will surely pepe again. I think he’s very against make up one. A traditional outcast. Funny though we have totally different mindset yet we are still the best buddy ever. Oh well. . .
Anyway, our beloved Mr. Ian Ding is ignoring me! You don’t see him in my cbox these two days, do you? I dunno what happened to him. He refused to reply my text. Otherwise he replied short short and said something strange like he’s been bothering me. That’s not true! He didn’t want to tell me what’s wrong and kept me in wonders X( He said he needs time to recover and that he’ll tell me some other time. He’s lying! Whenever he says some other time, well, I know what he means. I think he’s mad with me. So sad X( Text me when you read this k. You know I’m concern about you. Big bro don’t make the little girl worried. Waiting=)
hey... y stop bloggin? I started bloggin bcoz of u la macha... Hehehe..
nuffnang? is is profitable than advertlets?
macha u started blogging because of me? wow how impressive XD
support nuffnang! i dun think i'll ever earn a dime from adverlets. nuffnang is good. but still, it depends on ur number of visitors.
Ok!! Dat's gud! I'll get nuffnang rght away!! Hahaha...
Eh, did u ever get pay check from it?just wanna make sure. kehkehkeh...
ya la, i started bloggin from u! Hehehe... U shud b honoured.
they'll pay u when the sum reaches rm50. i have a few more ringgit to go XD
i think u aren't the only one. now even yang sissy and kent the freak started blogging! LOL
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