I love her drawing!!!
M.A.C. Smoke Signal promotion at Mid Valley.
Before I even realized, they’re already sitting there having a good time with the make-up artist!
The pictures below can be quite scary. So please don’t blame me if you get heart attack after seeing. Kate shall not be held responsible for any consequences occurred.
Sanddy and the cute make-up artist, Apple!
The outcome:
It’s the 7th Lunar month!
She’s ready to haunt you. . .
This is a better pic of Joelyn and Sanddy XD
Do I appear more like a human to you?
Still not getting heart attack yet? Great. Get ready for the nice pics.
Someone wants to be the spokesperson for Men’s Skin Centres?
Being patriotic on Merdeka eve. Eventhough only half of the flag can be seen XD
Don’t have to tell me that I look ugly with my eyebag.
Sunset in Love.
I can imagine Hui Yi popping me with the question: Xin, what the heck were you doing with Sze Rong?!
Or, “What the heck are you doing with him at Boulevard Ho. . . OMG what?!”
Nah, I wasn’t the one who had a crush on him. You guess?
Shh, we should keep the little secret here. After all Femme Fatales are the only ones who know whom you fell for. Whoever the “you” is referring to.
“Oh, shut up!” comes next. XD
Okay, that’s the end of my story. Would you like to have a cuppa coffee?
Merdeka! Reached the hostel at 1.30a.m. and surprisingly the guard let me in without questioning. Now you see the Merdeka effect? I love Merdeka! <3
hei,thx 4 ur pic...U look really nice in the pic..Dun worry...
haaa...u guys didnt go to dat ambang merdeka thingy did u?? :D
somehow i hv guessed it to happen lalala~
Xin, what the heck were you doing with Sze Rong?
What the heck are you doing with him at Boulevard Ho. . . OMG what?!
Yes, it was a mistake to crush on him. It was a minor one anyway. Only blown up because of that thing that happened.
Yes, you shouldn't have posted it in your blog which is public domain and now not only the femme fatales know, everyone else will as well.
Oh, shut up!
p.s. i like your hair. and your jeans = straight cut?
p.p.s. i heart you and miss you babeh!
p.p.p.s. this is why we are best friends. cuz you know exactly what i'll say. hehehehhe.
nah i looked really ugly. but slightly better after i edited to cover up the flaws XD my complexion was way too dark compared to yours! X(
anon, nah, you know i wouldn't go for such thing. they always bluff people for saying it's compulsory. well after all, if it's not, nobody wud have turned up that night XD
gosh, who are you anyway? i'm talking to a stranger? mum said i'm not supposed to!
oh no, i tot i was having a bad hair day!
u like my jeans? how random.
see, i knew what exactly u were going to say! i could even imagine ur voice echoing on the phone.
especially the "oh, shut up!" XD
love ya! <3
lets just say that i know u n u know me....'nuff said hehe :D
i know you and you know me. okay. . . LOL
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