Despite the fact that exam was approaching, my fellow classmates suggested that we pay a visit to Euphoria to kill our stress. It was my first time there, no doubt an enjoyable one.
Brought along my gorgeous house mates.
And guess who? =P
The guys were really happy that I brought the girls there.
Shake shake shake your ass. ROFL.
Squirrel strikes! I have this habit of editing off his mole, making his face appear even bigger and chubbier than usual XD
So the happy.
The pair was inseparable.
Me and Christine.
Wtfeak? I dunno what to say for this pic. LOL.
Ben and Hunt banyak untung that night.


Wtfreak I cannot stand looking at this huge face for more than 2 seconds.

Met Natalie there =)

Me, Christine, Hik.
Hik, Zhong Shyan, Christine, Mun Foong.

Mun Foong, Hik, Joyce, Me, Hunt, Christine.

Group pic which did not include us all.

Can’t wait to set my feet there again. Each lady gets a complimentary drink on Thursday night, needless to mention free entrance! Teehee.
to make him more like to shinchan? kate oh kate... what a strange habit? LoL :D
to make him more alike to rat species!
dun u think it's cuter that way? HAHAHAHAHAHA
what taste is that? I started to worry about Hikaru lor... HahA :D
what taste??? O.o
hikaru is a cute little squirrel! XD
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