Katie looks not much better or worse. Maybe we should crop out the forehead?
Jol Wee looks the best! This is more like a doll!
Jess was disappointed that Katie did not make her into one of us. She was scrolling down the page, trying to browse for her dolly face! XD Anyway, this is the birthday sign I've got from her the other day! Love it! She even made an entry! According to jcjessjessiejessica
, Dakota Lee Thampra isn't the only one who deserves fansign or birthday sign! Or more precise, according to copykate, I deserve it better than he does! Oops. Hope he won't read this =P
, Dakota Lee Thampra isn't the only one who deserves fansign or birthday sign! Or more precise, according to copykate, I deserve it better than he does! Oops. Hope he won't read this =P
The connection here is really fast so I've decided to post a few more pictures. Look, I didn't know Henry could be so self-obsessed! Visit Henry Pervert Face
to view more of them. Nah, he didn't pay me for doing this XD
to view more of them. Nah, he didn't pay me for doing this XD
I must show you this really nice picture of Andrew!
Andrew the violinist! It's so cool!!! It's like an orchestra pic!!!
OMG I'm so in love with him again! Not.
Its supposed to be a trio for 1 violin, 1 cello and 1 piano. The cello girl was chopped off. Its not an orchestra pic, its a trio pic
cello girl is melody huh? i haven't get to view those pics! will see them when connection is okay XD
anyway, nice pic!!!
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