It’s 4.50am now. 10 minutes ago, I woke up in the dark by a tickling sensation on my hand. Saw a cockroach-liked object and brushed it away in shock. What are the odds of a cockroach crawling to your bed in the middle of the night? I brushed aside the idea and thought I was just seeing things in the dark. But still, better safe than sorry right? After turning on the light, I started jumping up and down and guess what? A giant cockroach just dropped down from my body!!! OMGWTF!!!!!! Can you believe it??? The sucker crawled into my room at night, all the way to my bed and finally over my body!!! I swear it must have been going round and round my arms, my chest and who knows where, or I wouldn’t have wakened up so easily! This is insane! It’s so much worse than nightmares! Having a giant smelly cockroach crawling over your body when you sleep sounds like the last thing you could ever wish for!
Still in shock, I reached out to the nearest source and grabbed an envelope (which happened to be MrHik’s that contains a RM200 Lois voucher. Sorry XD) and without even thinking twice, I swept the sucker out of my room! I was in shock, and I think I shouted something crude to the little sucker. Pretty sure it was swept out of my room, but it must be alive and planning some other strategy to crawl into my room! WTF!!!!! What should I do??? I wanna pee badly but I don’t even dare to open my door now. Worse still, I can’t even sleep, fearing that it might crawl its way back in once I fall asleep. Can’t believe that I’m intimidated by a stupid ugly cockroach at this hour!!! Why can’t it just go back to the shithole and stop harassing me??? If it comes in again, I’m gonna whack it to death with my Pelham123 poster! Walaoeh, if you haven’t learn your lesson then come back in, I will let you experience my whacking skill gao gao! #!$%^&*!

Hours ago I had just blogged about lizard head. Sirei said a lizard dropped from her ceiling while she was reading that particular post. Moments later, I told Isabella that cockroaches are worse than lizards because they stink! And now look what I’ve got in return? Is this a sign that something is playing jokes on us??? WTF! NOT FUNNY AT ALL!!! I only said you stink because you really do, need to come and haunt me at night anot??? As for the lizard, perhaps the lizard was in shocked seeing a hangus baby lizard head on Sirei’s screen, it probably gasped in fear and tried to cover it’s ugly frog-liked mouth with it’s disgusting translucent hands, hence fell frantically onto the ground. Goodness, also damn suaku lo that lizard. Never seen a burnt lizard head before meh? Don’t they have cannibal lizards that bbq their own kids or something? Zzzzzzz.
Wtfreak. I need to pee. Like seriously. Gotta overcome my fear and get out of my room.
Okay I’m back from the toilet. It’s gone. Nowhere in sight, which makes it even scarier because I have no idea where the sucker could be! It could be anywhere: my study table, my books, my food (!!!), or it could even be in my room! He might have crawled back in without me noticing. WTF. How nasty! Or could it be in the toilet? I even flushed the toilet bowl before using it. Things would be so much easier if it were just outside my room. I could have killed it and sleep and peace. Well, provided its family doesn’t find me for revenge. If the horrible creature even has a family!
Why is my internet not working right now??? Didn’t Joyce pay the bill or something? Jeez. I’m traumatized. I dunno what time I will be able to get back to sleep =(
By the way, the evil roachy wasn’t as cute as those in the cartoon photos k! I can’t accept the idea of posting up real cockroaches photos! Gross.
i hate cockroach after i discovered that they can fly.... wtf~ >.<
U found my siu keong, thx!
ps:cockroach infestation is getting common this day.High standard of cleanses is sure way to avoid this kind of encounter or use Shelltox XD
char lene: adult cockroaches with developed wings can fly! gross right! made it harder for us to kill them. wtfreak
spectre: bring your siu keong back and teach him a lesson! hmpf. yea i'm already cleaning my room right now T.T
wow. cockroaches are cute :D
ben: pfft! i hope you experience it tonight! may the giant cockroach haunt u on your bed! teehee
my tuitor chewed a cockroach when he's sleeping.... he woke up the next day and found the cockroach legs in his mouth.... wtf, luckily u din.... >.<
charlene: he chewed it??? eew!!! how is that possible??? GROSSSSSSSS!!! i wouldn't do that even when i'm asleep! imagine a cockroach leg stuck on ur mouth in the morning, i would puke immediately and never dare to eat anything again. YUCKKK! T.T
i duno whether he's joking or wat, but he looked quite serious.... horrible rite? cockroach leg in ur mouth, eewwwww!!!!!!
YEsterday Cicak head. today cockroaches. Tomorrow katak puru. LOL
charlene: terrifying experience XD
msrcus: katak is nice to eat. katak porridge! lol
cockroaches are my all time enemy!!
i really really hate them!!
hayley: it's everyone's biggest fear apart from spider! but but. . i remember seeing mum and dad killing cockroach with their bare hands. yuck!
eww... Happened to me once wth!! I don't think I even dare to whack it physically.. I just got some insecticides and spray from afar =.=||
carson: u experienced that too? LOL! i dare not whack it to death. it might leave some nasty stain on the ground. so just swept it out and spare it's life. gross
Cockroach in your room? How big is the cockroach?? Haha. Anyway, nice blog! Do visit mine at http://doctorheart.fizice.com/ yaw. And i hate roaches too!
doctor heart: it was a mature adult cockroach! the kind that can fly! well, everyone hates roaches! yicks
EEE. haha, flying cockroaches are scarier. :D dropped by btw.
shuwen: thanks for dropping by =)
same case happen to me! kita sama sama!
iyouwe: really! looks like xiu kiong has found more than one target. FML!
awww man! do you know how many man wants to kill that cockroach now?
it has been to places that all man wants to be but unfortunately no man has even been. how lucky is that puny little thing? hmm...
wetwetwater: wait a minute, but the the cckroach didn't get into my pants! that's where all men wants to be XD
DAAAAAMn! That is so freakin gross. it just happened to me and i googled to see if it's a common behavior or smthn, thus finding your blog. bloody hell, i can still feel that felller on me! geli man!
anonymouse: this is my very old blog post. lol. surprised you even googled for something like that! XD
I just googled this too, for the same reason. Yuckkkkk so gross. But your blog post made me feel a lot better! :)
I actually googled what attracts them, and found out too many things...
If you think that humans rule the world you are so wrong.
they are evil little (put as many curse words as you can here) that if you leave a greasy stain, or a very tiny piece of food a few cockroaches can feed on that for days,
they like small dark wet places.
if you see a cockroach during the day in your house, you most likely have an infestation.
also they are sneaky bastards when there are no lights they come out after 2 hours and start eating all the trash you didn't throw or didn't clean the dishes
o btw they can eat almost anything things like soap for example.....
they feast on your filth!
I found too much over the last hour..... why don't we humans make them endangered species, of course there are milliards for every human, or maybe more who knows.
2 cockroaches can make up to 20,000 more cockroaches every year, when we make 1............
Its a hard job but I think its worth it, who is with me? let's start killing them all!!!!!!!!!
OMG, it just crawled on my bed, wasn't as freaked out as I thought I'd be, not screaming my head off running down the hallway - seeing that it crawled on my pillow right beside me - yes, wth?!? Thankfully, I was on my iPhone, at 4:30, 5-ish, too! - do they schedule this ish or what?! - and smelled it, turned my iPhone flashlight on nervously, turned to my right and there it was! Hopefully, I can find a way to prevent this for good! grrr! Thank you for the blog, it popped up first thing on google =) It had the feel of an adventure like you were fighting evil hehe, made it seem silly and lightened the tense state I was in.. it's just a silly little creature, right? Keep the good stuff coming..
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