Photos credit to Albert, the photographer of the night.

Couldn’t stop laughing when I was browsing through the pictures uploaded onto Facebook. There were so many funny pool side shots taken that night, but I’m gonna choose a few to show you.
No, wait, before that, let me just post up a few pictures of myself. After all, I ain’t called a vain pot for nothing XD
Me and duckie.
Me kissing duckie wtfreak.
Me and Eri so cute.
Me, Jen and Eri.
Me and Squirrel.
Squirrel and Josephine.
Ok enough la. Teehee.
It was a pool party. We started off with some little splashing game.

Woohoo it freezes on air? Eunice so geng XD

Isn’t this more like pouring??? LOL.

Watch out your butt! XD

LMAO the expression!

Eri so-the-funny lahhhhhh!

Counter attack!

Me! Wtfreak! I hate Yat. He was even laughing like a witch!!!

Then I kena again! This time got splashed from head to toe! *points gun at Yat Cock Jerk* !!!

Baligud squirrel also kena. Big tummy due to over-consumption of walnuts XD

After getting tired of water, they eventually upgraded it to ice cubes fight.

Looks fun eh! XD

The expressions! Kaka.

I know this looks like shit but the Chocolate cake was heavenly delicious! I could have licked it off his face!

“No no no! My camera!” Bryan is so cute lahhhhhhhh! LOL.

Look, it’s a giraffe!

At the end of the party, everyone was wet on the entire body and they eventually jumped into the pool.

Eugene macam budak kampong bermandi-manda kat kolam.

Post ends with the birthday girl showing the universal sign language.

Thank you for the awesome party! Love ya Jen!
wahaha me bad and me geng wtf
yatz, geng ur head. so evil attack from the back :(
joshua, everytime i look at the pix, i can't help LOL! so funny XD
Thailand's Water Festival?
simon, it's similar yea? kaka
Thailand water festival kat pool meh??
There goes my camera. :(
hikaru, kaka not kat pool but kat street everywhere~
bryan, neh neh so pattern XD
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