Our Sony PSP and Sony MP4, both in awesome white! Taken in Air Asia flight XD I promised to show you the MP4 I won, didn’t I? This is it!
Anyway, I haven’t really have time to catch up with my babes. The previous weekend we had together was never enough X( Gotta thank Katie for helping me with my Mister Potato post especially the photoshop editing. Your skill is still as good as ever! Gotta learn a bit from you next time (I can’t remember how many times exactly I’ve repeated this sentence -.-)
I love you despite you looking retarded in these pictures XD

And our forever lovely Jess! Catchya when I’m back =P
Have I told you that I did not attend Nuffnang Wild Life Party because I went home and celebrate dad’s birthday? But I actually forgot to wish him on his actual birthday. Le sigh. I didn’t even say “Happy birthday, papa!” to him! He must be really disappointed. I’m not a very good daughter after all, am I? X(
Me: I want to take picture with this gigantic fish head!
Dad: Your mouth resembles the fish’s. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
What kinda father is that??? Criticised his own daughter like a fish one?
More updates on Kuching soon!
bad daughter u are... hahahahhaha
land of miaos!! lol!! damn nice kan??
joshua, yea i feel guilty X((((
at least i celebrated with him! kekeke
andrew, yeap! will update when i go back! if i get to online XD
You're a fish LOL. Missed you in Live Party.
reading* opps..some1 sms..oorh..is u rupanya..hehee
simon, fish is one of my favourite food! teehee
hikaru, wtfreak? is that even related to my post? :(
oorh..nw cannot comment la izzit?..hmpf..
i was reading dis post comment when u sms...lol
hikaru, can can can. don't merajuk lah. teehee. *hugs*
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