2 tables reserved for 60 Nuffnangers. LOL.

Free flow of cocktails throughout the night which kinda made me tipsy.

Performance by Point Blanc.

Bangkok Invaders.

Justin who kept snapping my pictures. Jeez.
Mike Yip the photographer =P

Uncle Josh style wtfreak.
Steph (who seemed really drunk and high that night), Ren and Kate.

Kate, Simon and Stephanie.

Kate, Nicholas and Rachael.
Point Blanc ^^

Point Blanc and the girls~

Yatz the babe wtfreak.
How Zan and Hikaru.
Who agrees that Shin Chan looks 18? XD
Edmund was obviously drunk and sleepy. Couldn’t help LOL when I look at this pic.

Jan-e, Joshuaong, Wilson and Kate.

Anyway, it was a significant night due to my encounter with someone for the first time. You know who you are =)))
Last but not least, I look good under this smoky effect! XD
tsk tsk tsk..now only blog..so slow 1 ah u..
yea, been busy and internet deprived X(
err wear strapless bra looks more sexy on you :P hehe... cool party!
sigh, and you neglected your college friend, poor michael.
thought u were drunk??? =D
jg, my bra straps were supposed to be transparent! but it's so obvious under flash light yea? :(
simon, not really! there were people entertaining him wat XD
andrew, i wasn't drunk! jeez. whoever told u that? lol
"Anyway, it was a significant night due to my encounter with someone for the first time. You know who you are =)))"
hmm..i think i know who..^^
hikaru, teehee :P
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