So yesterday, after my job training at SS13, I carpooled Jolin and went to Mid Valley. It was probably my 46729135806th time shopping alone. But to be honest, I can’t help but to embrace the joy of being alone, doing whatever I like whenever I want without having to please anyone. I fear that I might be an old spinster next time, judging from my odd preference. I used to wonder how some people could go to the theatre or a restaurant alone. Don’t they feel lonely or awkward? But now it all seem clear to me. Eating out or watching movie alone really isn’t that bad after all.
There was still some time before the movie starts, so I loitered a bit around the mall. Usually soft toys and plushies don’t appeal to me. Yet this time, I got myself a new toy, not because I was attracted by its kawaii-ness that kinda bullshit, but simply because I wanted to pamper myself (and probably cause I haven’t received small lovely gifts for ages). Everyone, meet my Moka-chan!

My cute little teddy looking all new and silky. The shop keeper was even kind enough to have combed his hair upon the transaction. I hugged Moka-chan throughout the entire movie! Everything was perfect until the idiot behind started kicking my chair. I thought it was an accident, but moments later the kicking resumed. What the fuck was his problem??? I turned back to check how the idiot looked like. If he was hot, I might at well forgive him. But how often do you find hot people in the dark cinema??? As I’d expected, it was an unattractive average looking boring malay guy sitting at the back. I glared at him but he still wouldn’t stop kicking my chair! WTF! Was getting really dizzy with all the kicking. Had an urge to shout at him but I had to keep my cool. No choice but to move to the empty seat next to me, in front of his average looking
Well, I wasn’t really alone towards the end of the day. Hika-chan picked me up after his job interview and we went to Jung Won Korean BBQ to get his late lunch. In case you’ve never heard of it, Jung Won Korean BBQ is located at Ampang Hilir next to Sayfol International School. The service there was always good, but this time, I got fucking pissed off with the stupid waiter! Serious shit, I nearly cried when I complaint to the manager. When we asked for side dish refill, the waiter took away all the plates and never came back. And when we asked about it later on, he couldn’t remember what he was supposed to refill for us. He came back with just 2 plates (wtfreak he took like 6 away before that). At this point of time, I was being very patient trying to explain the situation to the foreign waiter who could barely comprehend simple English. I asked him to bring me my bean sprout very politely and noticed his reluctance. Then he came back with the bean sprout, reprimanded us that we cannot refill for so many times, keep refill and refill and that this should be the last time! WHAT THE FUCK?????? DID I JUST GET TOLD OFF BY A FOREIGN WAITER??????!!!! First of all, let me clarify that we did not “keep refill and refill” like what the waiter accused us. It was the first time that we asked for refill yet he took our plates away without coming back. Secondly, what is your fucking problem even if I keep refill and refill?? For all I know, whenever we visit a korean restaurant, we can refill the side dish as much a we want. But now, why did he say that we cannot keep refilling? Is it a new rule implemented by the waiter himself???!

I lost my appetite after getting accused and lectured. The next thing I realized, I was talking to the boss of the restaurant. I complained about how rude his worker is and how much I was dissatisfied with the service, before which he called up the manager. I babbled a lot to him at the same time of holding back my tears (very kelian la being mistreated, any girl would have cried).
Me: You should really train your worker! (Funny that was the first thing I said) He was being very rude to us! When we asked for refill, he took all our plates and never come back. And when we asked for it, he didn’t know what we wanted and told us that we cannot keep refill and refill but it was only the first time we asked for refill, we did not keep refill and refill! His attitude is VERY bad! What kind of service is this??? I’m a customer! This is not my first time here, no such thing ever happened before. It’s not that we never pay! We pay our share and expect to be treated well! I hope you understand! You better talk to your staff!
When I finished my words, that particular waiter walked near and kepo. Bet he knew I was complaining about him. At least show some sense of guilt! Dammit. TMD very angry lo. First time getting told off by a waiter and it was in a well-known supposedly high class Korea restaurant! Cannot suck down such anger! Meanwhile Hika-chan was very calm and did not bother to complain a single word to the person in charge. Please la I cannot be like him one. Must speak out when I get mistreated! Pfft.
Lastly, a photo of me and Hika sepet eyes. Teehee.

I need hugs and kisses to ease my anger.
y r we both so pitiful we have to shop alone... sigh...
jun: it's not that pitiful babe. i'm getting used to it dy. next time we go shop together gether la. teehee. cheer up! <3
Sigh, the problem of depending too much on foreign worker. If hire foreign worker then must train kao kao and maybe send them for basic English course lah
simon: must teach them some basic manners especially while talking to customers! hmpf
Hey Kate, you look very very skinny in your 1st pic leh... Too skinny..
Haha. Long time no see so many words in your post. I really love your way complaining the waiter. GENG!
Next time I want do business I won't open restaurant. Once you dine in my restaurant & are not satisfied with my foods & services, then you surely will complain this & that & post it up in the blog. Then my shop can bankrupt anytime already. So scary.. =S
what a bad experience .... ;-(
i am sure that will be u 1st and last go to that restaurant.... right...
Wah, why like that one the service? I always find korean restaurant waiter/waitress all very friendly one, this one so lousy @_@
waaaa kelian norhx....dun angry d la ...*sayang u*~ muaxx~~~
so what did d boss reply? did s/he ahporlokkai?
chew win: ya suddenly had the inspiration to write a long entry. always happened when i have something to complain about. kaka. don't exaggerate! my blog entry wouldn't have any effect on your future restaurant! LOL
kisahremaja: yea man =(
kisahsensasi: it wasn't my first time there. previous few times were okay. jeez
arereling: they were supposed to be friendly! dunno wtf was wrong with them tat day!
coco: still angry lo. hope i won't see that waiter next time. can't guarantee that i won't scold him again. pfft
jackie: of course he apologized la! otherwise i scratch his car. HAHA
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