O. M. G.!
I know I know, I might sound like a drama queen now, but class is starting this Monday! The day after tomorrow! Just one more day! Gawd.
Can you believe it? After 2months of holiday, here comes the new semester. Monday to Friday class will resume as usual. No more waking up at 1pm. No more slacking till the wee hour. 2months never seems to be enough for me. It passes so fast as if holiday never started! What have I been doing during these 2 months? Eat. Sleep. Play. Movies. Slack. Party. And not to mention, I have been so busy coming back and forth to KL that I hardly spend time with my family. I dunno whether dad’s strained fingers has recovered; I dunno if mum is coping well between job and chores; Have my two sisters been doing their homework? Has my brother been a good grown up boy? Each time I’m back, I would be too busy minding my own business that I do not even bother them. If only I have a chance, I would love to remain a high school girl, staying at my house, my own house everyday and not having to leave my dearest ones. They are the people who keep me going, the ones who are there for me ever since the beginning. Think, have I taken them for granted all this while?
Right now, there’re dozens of accounting exercises piled up on my table. 2months of homework, yet I have completed none. Procrastination has always been the devil. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Another tomorrow. I thought. And look, how many tomorrows are left? Jeez. How possibly can things be more depressing than this??? I’m in a disastrous stress. I’m in a great shock. I don’t wanna go back to class. I don’t wish to face my bulldog-faced lecturer. Life had been so kind to me, yet now it is taking back it’s kindness. Shall I show my utmost gratitude, or shall I hold my grudges till the coming of the next term break? Even then, it would be a short one. So short that I won’t even get to travel to the outside world. Dreams have been spoken so often, but when will they be accomplished? Might, or never.
The college called me again a couple of days ago. It always gives me cold sweats whenever that caller id appears on my screen. This time, they’re asking me to join the essay writing organized by MPH. Wtfreak. The deadline is on 31st March, which means I’ve still got 3months to get prepared. But heck, I don’t think I’m gonna join k. How am I gonna compete in the adult category? My English is good enough to prevent me from unnecessary state of embarrassment, but not to that extend that I could join an adult essay writing competition and beat off those 40 or worse, 50-year-old-wrinkled-headed-english-educated-folks-who-speaks-of-articulate-language! Whatever. The prizes seem attractive though. Maybe you’re interested? Here. Teehee.
Oh by the way, you people should stop calling me a obsessive shopper cause I only shop like, what, twice every fortnight? And most of the time I’m window shopping! Jeez. I haven’t started shopping for CNY. Speaking of which, I should ask for extra shopping allowance this month, for once.
Pictures from last week’s “shopping”.
Pavilion. Say hi to my new bag carrier maid XD
As usual.
Sunway. Asian avenue to show that we are the Asian. And this is the comeback of our femme fatales!
You look so yummy in formal that I want to eat you! And those pumps aren’t doing any good to my height.
After which we went for the screening of an unworthy movie, probably the worst I have encountered during my 18 years of living, during which we escaped from the cinema and headed to Starbucks.
My carefree life, don’t you ever flee from me~
p/s: classes are boring. zzz
end of holiday sucks big time!
i'm hating it already X(
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