We went to a new steamboat restaurant at Bukit Hijau, Cheras. Coco Steamboat if I’m not mistaken.
The usual steamboat ingredient.
Their steamboat soup is da bomb! Boiled with gigantic bones and idk what other secret stuff, it just tastes so heavenly it makes you crave for more! The unique selling point that made it so special compared to other steamboat.
Delicious lamb.
Porky pork.
Let the men do the honour.
A souvenir I bought from Melbourne a while ago. Can you guess what’s in that pink little container? XD
Shan and Mei.
Ben, Sai and Kian.
We were so bloated after gobbling down all the noodles and vermicelli. Carbs alert!
Continued our yumcha session at Kopiboy after dinner. It’s located at the same row as the furniture shops.
Vivian joined us there after her job briefing.
We fit in perfectly after several attempts. Teehee.
Last but not least, a rather blurry group shot.
Will be bidding farewell to Ben very soon. It’s good to see each of us heading to our own directions and moving on with life after our college year. Always hated the separation part, but we know we’ll still remain friends in years to come =)
the steambot juz like so niceeeee~~~~
sharon: yesh, awesome steamboat soup! XD
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