Our last GNO which was about 2months ago. Back then when Katie came back from Melbourne when Jess hadn’t left for London.

We had dinner at Marche before proceeding to Laundry. Katie insisted on taking photo with the cow as she missed out my birthday photo last year.
This time we didn’t need self-timer as we brought a “photographer” along. Thank you Hik! XD
Looking back at the album just reminds me how happy we are spending time together and doing what we do best.

One of the things that we do best.
Aren’t they cute?
Do you feel turn off or what? LOL.
Totally heart the ring and the headband! Stolen from Katie. Teehee.
Alright, our legs look short here.
When we finally settled down at Laundry bar. Focus on the ring, not the middle finger! XD
We had been wanting to have cocktails together like this since ages ago.

How we looked like after drinking. Wtfreak.
Is this the effect of cocktail?
Who agrees that she was half drunk?
Someone went wild and started dancing in the bar. LOL.
And we finally drag Jess in. How could we let you miss out the fun!
Okay I should at least post up darl’s photo right? He had been snapping for us all night. Poor boy.
My hair looks nice. Hiak hiak.
Ok, end of post. I’m no longer emo.
But I still miss you two! <3
kate, me like ur 4th photo!! the lighting and all makes you girls sooo pretty!!
erm i mean you are pretty on your own already ;))
I love to see pretty gals' photos... =D =D
nice ring you got. =P
hayley: pics in marche taken without flash. they have nice lighting there yea. anyway thanks! XD
chew win: nice right the ring! i'm gonna get one for myself. teehee
ah... showing the bling bling eh missy? XD
bling bling headband and ring? and a studded clutch! XD
Ooo...nice partying with just Girls haha, Crazy bunch esp...
Happy to hear you are doing fine now ^^
hitomi: it never gets bored partying with my besties. can't wait for them to come back so we can hang out again XD
Yea, hell lotsa fun haha!! too bad I miss having such time
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