Robb is in the paper too! Again. He's famous! So unfair right? LOL.
Thanks to Nuffnang that we were able to attend the event as media press. Looking forward to the next press screening =)
By the way, why didn’t the article appear in TheStar and NST?? X(
Kindly visit Joshua’s blog for the post. Thanks for the awesome pix, josh! XD
By the way, we had our little tattoos today!
Katie did a snow flake.
It feels kinda cold and itchy when the ink was sprayed on our skin. This is air-brush tattoo, not permanent, so don’t expect it to be painful yea.
Star represents my name. *self-admires*
How do I look with Katie’s new glasses?
Now imma sexy tattoo-ed teacher!
awesome pix?? hahha YOU ARE WELCOME!!
How long does the tatoo last? I had one last time but only last for 1 week that also without having contact with water.
joshua, yea those pix r good. i dun even have to edit them XD
kenny, mine is one week also. as long as u dun rub it.
it's not much difference with my DIY stick-on tattoos XD
you actually didn't look fugly in sinchew. it must be the pohtographer. and how dare you girls get a tattoo without ME?
T_T can't meet pretty Kate on Friday because I got training.
jess, are u implying that i look ugly in real life?! jeez.
u urself didn't want to join us in sunway! we went all the way there k! XD
simon, yea too bad. we had lotsa fun!
see u at the next event then! lol
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