Introducing my beloved cousin, Yun Zhi! You bet she’s a pretty girl.
Three of us just happened to be wearing white!
Try the Tom Yam the next time you go to Secret Recipe. You shall never regret! We even finished the whole bowl of soup!
This is what we do with the sugar.
Who cares? Since they put it there for free and since we had to pay the service charge anyway =P
Sis said this is a smiley face. The artwork that came from a child.
She sat on my lap in the car. We bumped into a police car. Well, no surprise cause the traffic police station was just nearby. The mata wasn’t wearing a seat belt anyway. And I guess he was probably blind XD
Jess and I went to Zi Li’s house to watch a DVD after that. Red Eye- a thrilling killer movie. The title suits well. You must watch it!
Wanna know how he layan us?
Played his football manager;
Kicked his football around the house. . .
It didn't matter cause we are the best buds! <3
Nobody’s home. So it was the world of our own! XD
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