It’s true! Now you stand the chance to win a private party with the FHM 2010 Girl Next Door! Imagine partying with her;

And her;

And 10 other sizzling hot FHM chicks! Not forgetting, me as you bartender, except that I would dress up 10 times sexier than the photo below.

HAHA I was kidding about the bartender part. You probably wouldn’t want me even if I dress up like them FHM girls. And why would I want to be a bartender when I can party with you? Win the party and invite me over!

Girls, I know you aren’t interested in partying with the FHM Girls as they would probably outshine you. But we wouldn’t say no to free flow of Carlsberg, would we? Have I forgotten to tell you that the party will be held at Carlsberg lounge at the brewery? Here’s a sneak peak of the exclusive area.

So, how do we stand the chance to become the host of the private party? Easy. First of all, click on http://www.facebook.com/CarlsbergNiceOne to become a fan of Carlsberg on Facebook.

Then, go to http://apps.facebook.com/carlsbergxmastree and add the Carlsberg Christmas Tree application.

Follow the 4 simple steps:

Tadah! It’s done! There he is, hanging on the Christmas tree as a trinket! XD You can even add your own festive message to post to your friend’s wall.

Contest ends on 28th of December. Terms and conditions here.
Last but not least, a photo of our fellow female bloggers at the Carlsberg lounge.

Remember, the bigger the tree is, the bigger your chance to win the private party. Quickly add as many friends as possible to your Christmas tree!
adding adding~!
haha! i want my party!
dylan: stay as much time as possible on the application then. time to add random strangers to ur fb! lol
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