My job was to stand at the lounge area and spot any potential customers. Not allowed to approach them anytime and anyhow I like as most of the customers are businessmen who are busy having their meeting or whatever big-talk. Besides, one tiny chocolate cube already costs around RM15. So as time passes, I become very judgmental whether one is rich enough to afford the luxury, and if one is rich, will he be too kiam siap to buy the chocolate etc. There was this time when I spotted 2ladies carrying a Chanel and a LV bag. They bought 4 boxes immediately after I gave them the samples. One box of chocolate costs RM185! XD
There was one particular question that people like to ask: are you local? They think I look China-liked. Wtfreak. Is it because I had my hair tied up?

That’s me hanging out at the main entrance counter and pretending to be the receptionist. This photo is supposed to be serious lah what are you doing, Jane and Vennice!

Yomiko aka Okimoy (HAHAHAHA), Prisca (walao wtf), Stepfanie (who happened to have seen me in Emmanuel Church once before when she came to Muar for NS, who happened to be my ex’s friend from JB omg what a small world!), Sun and I. The only time I could see them was during the one hour lunch break =(

Me looking cool after getting off from work. Photo courtesy of Vince who taught me how to tilt my head to the right angle. What a great photographer.

Wonder when I’ll be able to find a part time job that pays as much as this. Recommend me if you’re aware of any! And girls, don’t hesitate to ask me if you’re looking for a part time job with decent pay! =)
formal wear suits u aaaalot :)
aileng miao: lol thanks babe. i always have the hots for guys in suit. but not sure how i myself would look XD
i think u more look like hong kong lish !! hehe !!
sabahking: that's what jimmy choo said when he saw me. a hongki! LOL
i like the 1st pic... u look so professional. how come u don look like tat in real life??? hahahahahahahaha... XD
jun: the photographer got good skill! lol. of course i look pro when i'm working. very serious and no play play one. u damn mean! pfft
wow~ u look so cool in formal suit!
can be my bodyguard? haha
sirei: bodyguard??? ish! what a waste for my talent! teehee
haha! i guess most gurls have something with guys in suit :p
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