Ever since young, playground has been one of my favourite hang out place.
There is one particularly famous one in my hometown located near the seaside, where I paid a visit to the last time I went home.
Someone thinks I look like a baby coming out of vagina. Wtfreak.
Happy times.
Priscilla is so much taller than me now. But she’s only Form3! Hmpf.
She sewed this mini birthday cake for me. Sweet. I don’t even know how she did it! I can’t sew at all. FML!
I’m going back to my hometown tomorrow for Raya break! We’ll be able to hang out again! Yay <3
Bahahahahha vagina baby!!!
loo: vagina can't be that colourful! LOL
why Hikaru like cannot carry u wan? LOL..tell him he fail..xD
solitary rose: cause he's weak! no energy! can't carry me for more than 8seconds! LOL
wow. special sewing cake. Nice. =)
chew win: yea, it was very thoughtful of her! <3
its riverside
anonymous: see where the water and the sky are joint in the horizon? that's the sea.
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