So there was this afternoon when my classmates and I headed over to McD Taman Melati for lunch. Nothing unusual occurred that day, we were happily eating our burger until Hunt and Eyu found something odd among their fries.
Initially I thought it was just a stone, but I was proven wrong! We observed the “thing” so closely, and guess what?

A baby lizard’s head found in McD fries! Wtfreak. The poor lizard must had fell into the hot boiling oil and got burnt into a black corpse before it got its head cut off when the staff mixed the fries with salt. And what we got was only the head. Who knows where the body, the 4 legs and the tail went. Your child probably swallowed it, well you never knew! XD
When such incident happens, the first thing we need to do is capture the evidence. Eye-witnesses can never be sufficient. (also, keep the photos so I can blog la. teehee.) I confronted the manager, after which we got refund for our fries. (damn lousy right, at least give me additional free voucher or something la kns.) The manager there is a young lady and she seems nice and friendly. So I told her, “You know, it’s not about getting refund alright. You gotta make sure there’s quality control here. Such a thing shouldn’t have happened in McD. It’s a worldwide franchise after all.”
Be careful when you munch your McD fries next time. Spew it out when it doesn’t taste right! Teehee.
disgusting but still cool!
gonna watch out for my fries next time, lizard head today, dinosaur head tmr!
dylan: lizard head today, dinosaur head tmr! <<< rofl wtfreak! and how is it even cool? lol. i could see thru it's neck u know! like a pipe connected to it's little brain. i'm not even sure if it has a brain O.o
darn! lizard. send to the press la
kellaw: i hope the management read this post, and then they will give me free mcd for life with one condition to delete the post. LOL. dream on XD
eeeww!!! Luckily you all spot it before someone chewing it, it would be crispy enough to chew on i guess.... >.<
char lene: yea it looked crispy! i was tempted to chew it. never tried lizard head before wat. wonder how it would taste like XD
like ikan bilis perhaps? so disgusting, haha....
They shud have given you a Lifetime Privilage Card or something. haha. they will NEVER know the kind of damage us bloggers can do. =D
char lene: ikan bilis! that was what exactly we said that day! lol. not bad wat, like some exotic food. kaka
marcus: lifetime privilege card! eat mcd free throughout my whole life! yayyyyyyy can dabao fries everyday XD
wtf! wtf! wtf!
i was reading your post and suddenly a cicak fell down from the ceiling...
is it a sign??? am i the next one who's gonna find out the cicak's head or other body parts in my fries?! noooooooo.....
sirei: omg seriously??? u are making me laughing so hard! HAHAHAHAHA. u must be freaked out by the falling lizard! XD i experienced it before. my face turned pale after that. LOL
If you're talking while eating, then not realizing the freaking lizard there and ate. it.
I feel sick 0_0
lynn: i might chew on it and taste something weird and think that it's just some burnt fries! eew! damn gross right eating a lizard head XD
*puke* i think im gonna avoid seriously..eeww....
sue: i just had mcd again this afternoon. lol. nothing one la, the same thing wouldn't happen twice. erm, not likely XD
Ma de! Cicak is being treated badly! I can never allow this to happen!
isaac: LOL! that is one hangus little cicak's head XD
yiiiii..... i just had McD fries last weekend... so gross
viya: no worries, the bacterias were gone after being fried in high temperature. safe to consume! ROFL XD
tats mc d without me..hahahaha
FUCK.. *cough..
pardon my French..
That is so freaking disgusting leh.. T.T
McD got some compensation for u or not?
dropping by from innit..
nice to meet u.. =)
jackie: nehhhh i din even know u that time.
dolly: the refunded us for the fries. only the fries. that'll all :(
Oh man, I always chow down my fries at lightning speed everytime I eat at McD! Who knows if I've eaten a lizard head before or not. D:
shahrin: oh no! u swallowed the poor lil lizard. and it was digested before it became part of ur body substance XD
WTF. did they change the whole set of fries in the oven/cooker/deep fryer?
cicak, cockroach..wth..EWWWW>...
nicole: no! they wouldn't change the whole set because of one tiny little hangus head. bet all the fries that day kena dy. kaka
send this photo to the star, I bet you'll win the RM50!! XD
whitney: yea can try! LOL. woots rm50 for a lizard head XD
o.m.g! sue McD!!!!
Hahahaha....Dun go for McD anymore....Go McC... Which recently win a "Mc" Prefix case against McD.
LOL..dropped by from innit... Nice to meet you :D
i understand!
i once ate MIHUN and omg,there was a dead fly at the bottom,hmmmmm:)
jg: i will, if it ever happens again XD
tony: McC? wtfreak. dunno about that. lol
cai hong: dead fly??????? eew!!! wtf. that's so unhygienic! u could get food poisoning!
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