Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Appearance on Gutterpost

EDIT: The photo has been removed from gutterpost. There goes my 2days of fame! LOL.

Spotted: Kate and Hikaru making appearance on Gutterpost looking high and crazy.


The most epic photo of the year!

I wonder what we’ve got to do with the sons of the rich and powerful politicians. *innocent*

Click here to read the post. I swear we are totally unrelated! How random XD

In case you’re thinking the photo looks familiar, I uploaded on my Poppy Garden post last year.

And here’s the Facebook page where Yatz spreaded the news by tagging everyone. Feel free to check out the comments. LOL.

Gotta hide from the paparazzi and the angry bypassers whenever we walk on the street, now that we are FEHMESSSSS!

Tenkiu Mr. Gutter. Wtfreak.


Benjamin Chuah said...

femess femes sia!!

and btw, HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY MY MY b3 standard PUNYA CHINESE!! *throws tantrum and shows angry faces*


rawr, bites, and leaves like a sohai.

Anonymous said...

eh wtf.
your picture was like....damn random in the post.

I have a feeling your picture was uploaded because of the two girls in the background.

Copykate said...

ben: ROFLLLLL u're so freakingly sohai-ish funny! i will kick ur ass in class tomorrow! XD

debra: it's either that or the person who sent in the email accidentally uploaded my pic to mr. gutter. that means he must be someone that i know. LOL

Anonymous said...

UNFORTUNATELY the photo has been removed..i think it's thanks to my blog entry..coz i have referral from gutterpost..WHAAHAH

=chuan guan= said...

hahahaa...tat is something..farny..lolz

JunJun-Riko said...

walao.... classic this photo... now we all know what sort of blogging is gutter doing.. lol... kate u better be careful, mana tau now have reporters stalking u liao.

Copykate said...

yatz: yea people have been telling me that it has been removed. aww too bad yea. kaka

cg: it's insane! LOL

jjr: u are talking as if i'm paris hilton! or lindsay lohan! or britney spears! oh gosh imma rising star! wtfreak XD

David Cheong said...

bauahahahaaahhaahhaha, few hours of fame =D

Copykate said...

david: guess what? it was up again! coz it got blocked and i guess he used the back up file. so. . LOL