Check out Ben’s and Sai Hong’s blog for more photos and details!
Last Friday, our group had yet another outing to Mid Valley. After watching “House” (a crappy horror movie I didn’t want to watch but they insisted watching wtfreak), the guys went for pool while we girls went down to check out the Mac Hello Kitty booth.
With beautiful background design and huge-sized adorable hello kitty logo, how could we resist cam-whoring?
Girls being girls.

Free make-up from their so-called professional make-up artist.
Of course we tried it. Look, she was removing my make up! Mei Zhen looking cute behind. LOL.
Ohh, if you’re hoping that I will show you my photo without make-up, heck NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They were too fugly to be made public! *embarrassed*
Rachel, my make-up artist and I. I know, the make up on my face looks no difference from my normal daily ones right? Teehee.
No I wasn’t holding up her breast! That wasn’t my intention!!! XD
Met Jay from MDG Season1. Apparently she was one of the models for MAC Hello Kitty.

We went hysterical when the models started distributing the Hello Kitty helium balloons! After lots of pushing and shoving and stepping and yelling and cursing, I finally got it! I must had acted like a mad woman shouting right in front of the blonde model until her got such a shock that her jaw nearly dropped to her boobies.
All the madness was worth it, as I carried the little balloon like a happy little child around Mid Valley, in the LRT and all the way back home, during which the condominium guard stupidly asked “Apa itu?” (What is that??) As if he couldn’t see, itu belon hello kitty aku yang banyak cantik!

That’s Mr. . erm. . Asshole (HAHAHAHAHA wtfreak) and I. Please lah, I don’t wanna be Mrs. Asshole, so I guess I am calling off the wedding.
Regarding the marriage announcement I made on the previous post, for those who hasn’t realized, 29th February 2010 does not exist in the calendar. So if you were fooled, too bad! Ngek ngek XD
at least there are no male models wearing those tight suits showing off their muscular chest at there
eew? i wouldn't ask for that! they'll have their ugly balls hanging! how obscene! *puke*
but then again, i wouldn't mind if the male model is hot and gay XD
i knew it..u did it on purpose..muahaha
cg: some people really got cheated! XD
lol, with balls hanging like the one in sex drive. HAHAHAHAH WTFREAK. i still can't forget that lovely scene xD
wah how comes ur photos looked so much sharper than mine hmmmmmh.....
ben: u think that's lovely??? gawd. those saggy and hairy old balls! ohh, my pics definitely look sharper coz i edited them! like, duh. . . LOL
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