Upon our arrival, there were two gigantic MSN cardboard for us to scribble our display name. It seems to be a rather creative concept.
Spot my name? Teehee.

So, the main purpose of the gathering (apart from giving we bloggers an opportunity to get closer to each other, of course=P) was to introduce DiGi’s new IM service.
Windows Live Messenger is now on DiGi! Here are a few simple steps you should follow:

Compatible phone models (yayyyy got my K810i):

Only RM3 per month! With no additional charges! Can you believe it??? RM3 for unlimited chat! Just get a suitable phone model and subscribe to the service! Now you can MSN 24/7! *gasp*
Besides, DiGi is providing you 2months free trial! Promotion ends on 16 May 2009. So hurry up!
Dinner was served that night. Thanks to Friendster Cafe.
After filling our stomach, (no, I was still eating when the emcee started talking!!! so I decided to abandon my food, wtfreak) the emcee, Jonathan showed us the commercial video for the new service. Apparently we are the first group of people who got the chance to watch it.
Must watch, damn funny! Teehee.
Demonstration of the DiGi IM service.
There were so many big round yellow emoticons hanging from the ceiling, which we plucked off and brought back home after the event. That’s me, Jamie and Chris Thoo.

Next up, it was Q&A section. All the answers could be found in the brochure we received at the registration table. I was literally raising my hand up and shouting so desperately, so the person-in-charge finally chose me! That was how I got myself a Logitech headphone! XD

Look, I wasn’t the only desperate one. Everyone was crazy! “CHOOSE ME! CHOOSE ME!” LOL.

Later on, Yat and Cindy were chosen to represent angel and devil each for a MSN debate on a given topic.
Poor Yat should have been the devil instead of angel.

They received a 4GB pendrive each! =)
Time for lucky draw! The moment every kiddo in the café had been waiting for. Aww, though we might be old, but we are young at heart k! We heart lucky draws! Lucky draw prizes make us happy!
See how excited Thomas was being one of the lucky one who received the cap! ROFL!
David and Yat were lucky too! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Don't laugh at them lah.

Oh well, to be honest, I was praying so hard that I wouldn’t get the cap. I wanted the Rayban or Oakley shades! So at last I did not get the cap (phew). But I did not get the shades either!!! *roarrrr* I nearly did. Just one digit difference. Soon Seng got it. Hmph!
Jamie with Zoe’s shit (HAHA wtfreak?), me with Kenny’s Oakley shades and Zoe with Chris Tock’s cap.

Wait, lucky draw wasn’t the best part yet. The best was when they asked volunteers to go forward and imitate the emoticons on the projector screen!

There were 3 emoticons altogether, being imitated by 3 people each. Of course, 1st prize, 2nd prize and 3rd prize rewards were given for each group based on the audiences’ judgement.
Look at Kim! LOL.
I am so fugly! -.-

1st prize- a Livecam! (wtfreak I wanted that!!! *sobs*)
2nd prize- 4GB pendrive.
3rd prize- brochure! HAHAHAHAHAHA pwnd! Pity them la weh.

After the event, we stayed back for interaction and camwhore! Pictures time!
Me, Zoe and Sue.

Babes. Sorry, not including you both, Chris-es! XD

Me, Yat, Kim and Andrew.

We have long and silky hair! Teehee.

Oh, did I forget to mention that we too received one t-shirt each at the registration table?
Cute yea!
Pictures credited to Nigel, Saimatkong and Jamie and Andrew.
3 PSP will be given to the 3 best blog posts. We shall see! =)

Don’t forget, promo ends on 16 May 2009! So what are you waiting for?
IM with DiGi, NOW!
Click here for more info.
I'm sorry! =(
Next time this happens again, we'll switch numbers, k? *grin*
soon seng: switch number? are u mad? LOL. u deserve the prize wat, after getting the brochure XD i couldn't wear the shades anyway. teehee
haha, seems like u want that psp XD
sirei: free stuff, who wouldn't want it??? LOL
that great, blogger getting event again... too bad, penang market are not so nice, less function over here...
mr. dream: yea. the events are mostly in kl. more happening here. teehee
nice coverage of it
Good luck in winning the PSP
cg: LOL thanks!
satya: not putting any hope in winning. teehee
fuahh..finally able to meet the kopikate...:D
chris: kopikate your head. lol. yeahh finally met tomato! wtfreak
support local products....
I wanted the headphones as well! :(
At least I got a webcam, phews*
chris: yeah kopi for the win! wtfreak XD local product cheapskate leh. LOL.
missyve: that headphone model is selling quite cheap in retail. your webcam is much better! teehee.
Oh nice. when go kai kai with me? haha.
littlecicak: thanks. anytime! XD
What phone model can use this service? Sigh, no money to buy new phone.
owh so sad.. no W810i
simon: there, i posted a pic of the list of compatible phone model! a few nokia and SE. teehee.
ashyley: aww, don't be sad. maybe it's time to get a new phone! LOL.
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