For the previous weeks I have been feeling so tired up. I think I put on such a depressed look that people started asking me why I looked so sad. They probably thought I had a big blow with my boyfriend or that my boyfriend had dumped me for good. That’s if I even have a boyfriend. See, I’m such a loser that I can’t even find myself a boyfriend. They’re always either too fat or too skinny, too smart or too dumb, too handsome or too ugly, too funny or too boring, too crazy or too nerdy. . . I don’t even know what I want already. Anyway, that’s not the cause of me being depressed! Because I know you’re gonna come up to me and tell me that being single rawkz (yes it does). The problem is, I just got so freaked out by a frigging Siva lecturer the destroyer! Plus I was really unhappy, well, not to say stressed up (cause I didn’t feel the stress), just unhappy cause it was our exam week. So for the entire week I probably looked like that:

Wanna know something I encountered yesterday? I was sleeping so soundly in the KTM, all of a sudden I was awakened by a “F*** something c*b**!” followed by a continuous babbling of Cantonese words. I shrieked in horror and was disgusted by the sight of a 12 or 13 year old girl using such vulgarity. That wasn’t all. She even stuck her oil absorbent paper (whatever you call it, I have no idea cause I don’t use it) on the door! She thought that thing was so elegant that she placed it there for display??? Gee, I think she should stick her Laurier Maxi Wing there for display as well! But I’m not sure if she has even started using a pad. For the whole journey I stared at her and her 2 other friends in contempt. They were making so much noise in the KTM! Budak kurang ajar entah dari kampong mana. If you were there, will you reprimand the girl? I dunno, people might think you’re busybody. Or you might ask, “Why should I care? She’s not even my sister!”
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