Miss Japan Riyo Mori won the title.

Riyo Mori nervously grabbed the hands of first runner-up Natalia Guimaraes of Brazil just before the winner was announced. Miss India, Puja Gupta, who had made it to the last ten, however, failed to reach the top five.

Gorgeous, aren't they? Noticed that their hair are all curly. When will Kate be able to step onto the beauty pageant stage? To be crowned as Miss Malaysia, or even Miss Universe? Kekeke. Kate is definitely too short to enter such contest! She won't even be shortlisted! One day when I go to US, will any company hire me to be their part time model? Then I shall be America's Next Short Model! So, dream on! XD
tis morning when i read the newpaper,the first new is all about the miss unverse...she is juz 20 years old...tat is good bcos she still very young...haha....and i oso know tat u dream u wan to be a model...and i hav an good idea for u..haha...maybe u can ask ur parents to help u to held a ''miss bunga mawar'' model competition...and ask zilo be the judge...then u may fulfill ur dream...ppl in ur taman will call u miss bunga mawar...haha...call u miss bunga mawar la...hi,miss bunga mawar..haha
from:yaw theng
haha..dun be angry leh,miss bunga mawar....haha...haha...
from:yaw theng
cilaka yaw theng XD bunga mawar is rose rite? rosy kate. LOL
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