Date: 2nd June 2009 (Tue)
Time: 9pm
Venue: TGV One Utama
Hall: 5
It’s on 2nd June, which is during my AS exam! But who cares, I’m gonna watch the movie case it seems interesting!
So this story is about a celebrity photographer Conor Mead (Mathhew McConaughey hmm wtfreak so difficult to spell his last name) who loves freedom, fun and women in that order. In other words, freedom is the most important for him, fun the next while women comes last in line. Why do women always have to be the last??? I think I’m No.3 for Hik as well. First is his job (and money!!! Can I categorize them together?), second his car (seriously, he gets really mad when I dirty his car. So mean right!), and lastly me.
Somehow, the main actor’s dead uncle’s ghost tried to deliver him an urgent message through the ghosts of his jilted girlfriends (past, present and future) and blablabla, to change his love life, make him settle down blablabla, I dunno, is that even possible? I know I know, I’m starting to make it sound boring. LOL. Click here to read more and watch the trailer.
First 75 write-ins get the tickets, so hurry up!
That’s all. I’m getting back to studies. Tomorrow is my self-declared study break. Teehee. Ciaoz.
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