Darl’s birthday party at Souled Out.

The theme that night was “Cartoon”, cause he’s 25 now but still trying to be young. Wtfreak.

See, Rames so funny! XD
Fellow leng luis.

They said I looked pissed off because I don’t get to drink the Guinness on the table. Kaka.

The poser with the birthday hat.

Siao eyes taken during the party. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA siao.

And here’s the group picture.

wow.... what a nice theme....
u all really look great wif all the
different cartoons....
btw, the girl wif the little chick
look so much adorable.... kakaka....
charlene: that's hik's friend, caryn. she looks so cute right! like 15 years old! but in fact she's like 1 year older than us! hiak hiak. themes for party are awesome! teehee
haiyo, wat a young looking girl....
i thought she's younger than us....
but i have to say the idea was
creative enough.... keke~
charlene: yep that was hik's idea. he wants to be young! LOL. some of them didn't wear cartoon though. kaka
haha.. if its zoe.. she'll say happy birthday HIKAMARU!! >>LOL +D
wow..lucky him..haha
andrew: as expected from zoe! i can totally imagine that! XD
chuan guan: lucky him for being so old? XD
i want everybody's tee!
especially the Astro Boy tee! <3
horrr..dun have my face..
soo coooll!!! now he is a quarter century old already~~~ oooo soo many DSLRs on the table... dun scared kena rob ar?
sirei: you're a huge cartoon fan yea? astro boy with the funneh pose! XD
yatz: yalo can't find any pic of u. u left so early! teehee
binn: siao takkan kena robbed at souled out. hit the robbers' head with dslr! lol wtfreak
nah, it's b'coz astro boy is my favorite anime when i was a kiddo.
plus, he's kinda cute. XD
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