Monday, July 27, 2009

Coach Heart Poppy

As you are all aware, I received my third cheque from Nuffnang recently. Though I had told myself to save it, the temptation of Mega Sales is hard to resist. What better time to get myself a Coach bag I have been wanting so badly?

So that’s it. Within seconds, a stack of cash has evaporated in an exquisite designer store. But, it didn’t exactly evaporate, did it? Instead, it was exchanged for a humongous paper bag thrice the size of an ordinary laptop, in which lies my new best friend whom has been named Poppy.

I spent the whole day at three different malls before hunting her down. First at Gardens, there was no sight of her and I had nearly bought another cheaper but smaller bag. Then we went to Pavilion, hoping to spot something better. Over there she lies, looking all glam on the new arrivals rack. I fell for her despite the fact that she wasn’t on sales. But, the display was the only one left. That was when we decided to reserve one at KLCC.

The first designer bag I purchased with my own hard-earned money. 20th of July, what a day to remember! Beautiful, isn’t she? =)

Someone thinks I’m dumb and that he would rather spend that amount of money on a new cell phone, say, Nokia E71? I wouldn’t agree though, as the price of cell phone often drops before you even have time to try out all the applications. Any wise girl would think that a designer bag is a better and more worthwhile investment. Besides, nothing beats the happiness of carrying an elegant handbag!

Next target: Gucci. It would certainly take me some time to save up enough, as the price is slightly above the price of Coach.

Why are you working part time?

Because I wanna buy designer bags!

Wtfreak. I wonder if I’m the only one working for that kinda reason.

Pretty sure I am getting a phone call when someone reads this. Oh well, every girl has her own dream. Teehee.


CharLene said...

wonder when will i have mine.... >.<

Copykate said...

charlene: no worries, u will get it in no time. teehee

wen pink said...

omg nice handbag!!!!! <3333333 dang i wan one too!!

Anonymous said...

Your next target should be : Chanel.

wahahahaha:D and nice camwhoring with you that night! LOL wtf.

Copykate said...

wen pink: time to save and get yourself a new bag! XD

debra: omg chanel yes! maybe after gucci. LOL

goingkookies said...

OMG!! ur third check already?? and enough to buy a coach bag?!!1

super envy!!!

want a coach bag too!! hehe...

when will i get mine too?? hmmmm

Copykate said...

goingkookies: LOL everyone wants a coach! only my third cheque is enough to buy it. the previous checks all cheap cheap only. teehee

Anonymous said...

my next target : Nokia 5800 XM

Copykate said...

lily: lol cool. it's less than RM1k now yea? teehee

Evelyn G. said...

Love the bag .. ^__^

Rayz said...

Wow Cool Coach Bagggggggggggggggggg

Charmaine Pua said...

OMG! It's so cool!
How much is it? said...

How nice. Congrats. just passing by. :o)

You're a Dumb Chick said...

spend so much on a coach bag is pure idiotic.

Most of us would just think that's a counterfeit from Petaling Street.

I could get the same shit for much less. Oh well, you're the loser in the end while Coach is a big winner who bags your cheque.


Little Ms Midnight said...

I want pay check too!!!

ZQ Travels said...

how long did u take to accumulate for that nuffnang cheque for the bag?


Copykate said...

baby: surely u will! spend less and save more! lol

yennie: nice yea XD

rayz: totally heart it! teehee

charmaine: 1.1k i would say it's quite cheap for that size.

bubbles: thanks!

dumb chick: "most of us" probably refers to you and you yourself. now who's the loser who has to get counterfeit from petaling street for much cheaper? boooooo.

chili crab: yea everybody wants! XD

zq: probably 1year+?

Anonymous said...

kate : same here :( .. despite i feel the guilt of having ppl to 'bao' me .. lol-ed ..
i just came back from work of a car show .. yeap ... working for a designer bag :)

my next : jumbo channel :P

Copykate said...

steph: wow, really? that's awesome! i'm sure u'll be able to get your targeted bag after working a few times! XD said...

GUCCI ftw!!! >:D

Copykate said...

sirei: gucci bags are really nice! hmm, maybe except the zipper. a bit cheapskate dunno why =s